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*** Release notes 10/31/17 ***

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Thu, Dec 14 2017 7:47 AM (90 replies)
    2,580 Posts
    Tue, Oct 31 2017 4:38 PM
    Im going to call it as i see it. This is an astounding Pisss take, and a massive slap in the face for the forum users and players here who have brought this game from its humble beginnings to where it is now.......Its a simple fact, if they gave a chit about the folks who made this game what it is, then they would have fixed this a long time ago. Instead they roll out useless crap month after month that has only one goal, to make more money........WGT need to grow a pair of balls and come on here and explain why it is that they havent done anything about it yet, and not the usual mesages from the mods they march out to face all the flak, saying "we are having difficulties" bulllshit..................I was a long time veteran of the game, and i ran (along with many others) our own CC and website deditcated to the game. If anyone was to ask me about this game now, i would tell them to steer the hell away from it. And thats coming from somebody who doesnt give a rats about the game anymore. As i said, i have no devotion to the game anymore, and im calling it as i see it.
  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Tue, Oct 31 2017 4:57 PM
    Thanks Borat, but maybe I should stop doing this. Don't want WGT to put their repairs on the back burner because of my interventions.
    Personally Scott, I don't think they have any intentions of fixing this glitch. If they did, it would have been fixed by now.
  • SlicedPepper
    796 Posts
    Tue, Oct 31 2017 5:12 PM
    This has gone beyond ridiculous......It is obvious WGT couldn't care less about it's community......The mods are stuck trying to hold back the growing tide of disgruntled players while WGT sits on its brains and comes up with garbage for the update....More money grabbing crap......I have a few CC tournies to complete and once thats done I'm gone. Then in a month or so I'll get the begging e-mail, Come back to WGT and we'll give you a worthless ball for all the time and money you've spent here...... Yeah, yeah. I can hear all of the WGT @$$ kissers now. Save your breath.
  • whooshdangit
    1,246 Posts
    Tue, Oct 31 2017 7:09 PM

    ... been back to the Pro shop, re my earlier "halloween horror" putt at St Andrews. Couldn't find any smaller balls but can confirm the WTF WGT pumpkin does indeed fit, given a tidy whack.

    Best of ah .. . putting, Chall.4 (Bethpage) 103ft.

    Cheers! Rich

    501 Posts
    Tue, Oct 31 2017 7:30 PM
    ''WGT Special Effects''.............................................Are you serious?, we are experience LOT of issues (meter mostly) duet this feature from the nike balls & now you guys provide this SH1T to all balls? the greedy of take money at any cost are way out of your control, this game are slowly turn in just another cartoon-anime game of Golf, wich are a LOT around the net, you have the oportunity to be realistic & make this things?, whatever
  • jacktrade51
    11,130 Posts
    Tue, Oct 31 2017 7:54 PM
    Going to have to agree with general thrust of responses. The posting bug must be solved. ScottHope's fix is an answer, not the solution. I do not have a problem with trying to sell a new "plus" membership or even the dumb special effects. But I do have a problem with a special effect icon on my playing page when I have not bought any. But, ultimately, nothing is solved without fixing the posting problem that WGT created. Tom.
  • drmoose
    3,538 Posts
    Tue, Oct 31 2017 8:28 PM
    Might as well forget it people, they've already told us that as "forum posters" we are but an infinitesimal part of their paying public. Supposedly, they have thousands of minions who adore their every eff up, just drooling for the next, orgasming in anticipation of every update, totally brainwashed into believing the downward spiral they are pursuing is a good thing, while they keep flushing what's left of the good parts, an' the sh!t pile that's left continues to grow. God help us all. Doc :(
  • whooshdangit
    1,246 Posts
    Tue, Oct 31 2017 9:02 PM
    Supposedly, they have thousands of minions who adore their every eff up, just drooling for the next, orgasming in anticipation of every update, totally brainwashed into believing the downward spiral they are pursuing is a good thing, while they keep flushing what's left of the good parts, an' the sh!t pile that's left continues to grow. God help us all.
    Doc :(
    Hi Doc
    I think I read somewhere the adoring throng numbered in the millions!
    Try getting just one for an alt shot game some nights. Not a chance.
    Cheers! Rich
    (gone for a banana)
  • BillyMayfair
    4,631 Posts
    Tue, Oct 31 2017 9:06 PM point exactly

    ... and I suppose we're expected to believe that when correcting the original post, the other comments were not read because

        STILL no response or acknowledgement of the problem....

    There is NO excuse.

    Wayne (BillyMayfair)

  • alosso
    21,054 Posts
    Tue, Oct 31 2017 10:05 PM
    Supposedly, they have thousands of minions who adore their every eff up, just drooling for the next, orgasming in anticipation of every update, totally brainwashed into believing the downward spiral they are pursuing is a good thing, while they keep flushing what's left of the good parts, an' the sh!t pile that's left continues to grow. God help us all. Doc :(
    Sounds familiar - a common subject of the present age of #45, not only in business :(