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web browser suggestion (PC)

Wed, Dec 6 2017 8:39 AM (20 replies)
  • Rocket97
    13 Posts
    Fri, Dec 1 2017 5:14 AM

    My system far exceeds the recommended specs on the systems requirements

    Core i7-5930K

    64GB RAM

    100 Meg cable internet

    1920x1080 resolution

    GTX 980


    flash fully upgraded

    No other applications running (other than system services) I even disable AV to see if that helps, sometimes it does other times it doesn't.

    I keep getting meter stutter/hang/jump.  I have cleared my flash cache, run disk cleanup, etc.I have tried Firefox and chrome (both latest version).  What web browsers do you guys suggest/use? 


    Thanks in advance.

  • coolsenior
    989 Posts
    Fri, Dec 1 2017 10:01 AM

    I have used both maxthon 5, and slimjet. I am using slimjet mostly. The meter is very smooth in both. Really have had no problems.  Hope that helps.  Dick

  • dekronk
    238 Posts
    Fri, Dec 1 2017 10:08 AM
    Used to use Chrome and then Firefox until they gave me major meter stutter problems. Searched on here for good browsers to play on and someone mentioned Maxthon 4.4.2000 - haven't had any problems since playing on that platform/browser other than slight meter stutter on the odd occasion. I know that there's not a goto browser for everyone due to different machine specs but might be worth a try.
  • borntobesting
    9,779 Posts
    Fri, Dec 1 2017 10:10 AM


    My system far exceeds the recommended specs on the systems requirements

    Core i7-5930K

    64GB RAM

    100 Meg cable internet

    1920x1080 resolution

    GTX 980


    flash fully upgraded

    No other applications running (other than system services) I even disable AV to see if that helps, sometimes it does other times it doesn't.

    I keep getting meter stutter/hang/jump.  I have cleared my flash cache, run disk cleanup, etc.I have tried Firefox and chrome (both latest version).  What web browsers do you guys suggest/use? 


    Thanks in advance.

    The best browser on my system is Comodo Dragon version 21.0.0 running NPAPI flash instead of PAPPI (pepper flash). It is very smooth and reacts very quickly to my clicks.

    You can get this version by going to They have many older versions of several browsers. I find that for Chrome based browsers the older versions that can use NPAPI flash work much better than the newer ones that can only use PAPPI (pepper flash.) 

    Two other suggestions are to set the browser start-up page to the game client and use it to play WGT and nothing else. 

     The second suggestion is to disable auto updates for the browser you play with. 

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Fri, Dec 1 2017 10:12 AM

    I use Maxthon Cloud 4.9 browser with very very few problems . There is no such thing as a 1 perfect browser . Google " Best Browsers for Windows " and go down the list . Try them one and all until you find the one for you . It has to be compatible and as well as depending on your processor speed video cards and a lot of other things as well .

    I still have Windows 7 Home Premium so again its Maxthon Cloud 4.9 . Give it a try as it really works well with a lot of the different system formats .

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Dec 1 2017 10:28 AM

    What web browsers do you guys suggest/use? 

    I would look real hard at what Borntobesting put out there. I swear by CD and use an older version of Flash with it that never auto-updates. Take it a step further and dedicate the browser to the game by making the home page the game client. This way you avoid the source of a lot of activity-the main page-and you're ready to play as soon as you open the browser.

    I have everything except Flash and Adblock disabled in mine and WGT is the only thing it's used for. Haven't seen a meter issue in forever.  :-)

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, Dec 1 2017 1:33 PM

    My system far exceeds the recommended specs on the systems requirements

    Which OS? Which Windows version?

    There, the most elevated may not be the best!

  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Fri, Dec 1 2017 2:22 PM

    One that doesn't get mentioned in the general fixes for stutter is making sure display drivers are up to date.

    Most video card makers have a sign up for email notification of updated driver releases. 

    Good luck.

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Fri, Dec 1 2017 3:08 PM


    My system far exceeds the recommended specs on the systems requirements

    Which OS? Which Windows version?

    There, the most elevated may not be the best!

    I use Windows 10 and had stuttering yesterday. I used CC Cleaner and did my regular Maintenance. It has cleared up today, just in time to play Chambers w/ 30 mph winds. Lol


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Dec 1 2017 3:18 PM

    Something that gets overlooked quite often is the main page being open in the background. That tends to get in the way of the game as you're sharing your connection with all the business going on on the main site.

    A dedicated browser solves that but if you typically hit the Play Now button the game opens in a separate window but doesn't close the main page. You should.