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Fri, Aug 12 2022 4:46 PM (43 replies)
  • SoCalJim23
    432 Posts
    Sun, Dec 17 2017 9:36 PM


    You HAVE to know I was only kidding about getting FREE anything from the WGT Pro Shop.

    I've just reached the point of "burn out" here on WGT.

    And besides, now, WGT isn't offering any VIDEOS to watch.....for me to earn some free credits.  I've spent a ton of $$$ here on WGT.....and it's just time for me to move on.

    And I fully understand that WGT is a "business"....they're in this to earn a profit.

    I wish ALL of you the best of luck as you continue here on WGT.....and I wish you ALL a Vry Merry Christmas & a Very Happy New Year.

    I apologize if my comments offended or irritated any of you.

    OK, I'm done here.




  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Mon, Dec 18 2017 2:47 AM



    You HAVE to know I was only kidding about getting FREE anything from the WGT Pro Shop.

    I've just reached the point of "burn out" here on WGT.

    And besides, now, WGT isn't offering any VIDEOS to watch.....for me to earn some free credits.  I've spent a ton of $$ here on WGT.....and it's just time for me to move on.

    And I fully understand that WGT is a "business"....they're in this to earn a profit.

    I wish ALL of you the best of luck as you continue here on WGT.....and I wish you ALL a Vry Merry Christmas & a Very Happy New Year.

    I apologize if my comments offended or irritated any of you.

    OK, I'm done here.



    GL brother, in whatever you do. I was only ribbin on ya in my last post. 

    You and many, many other top players reacheed  the "burn out" point a looong time ago.

    I am with you on most of your thoughts and opinions. I couldnt even imagine coming in here and starting from the very begining. NOOOO WAY. THE MONEY. Just to purchase the lowest end equipment and gb's would be ridiculous. 

    Again - GOOD LUCK Jim. Enjoy your holidays.

  • SoCalJim23
    432 Posts
    Mon, Dec 18 2017 11:45 AM

    As I mentioned in one of my other comments.....I have averaged around 90 ranked rounds per month.....went thru stretches of averaging over 100 ranked rounds per month.

    I've been at the "Champion Tier" now for over (2) years.  Took me approx. 18 months to make it to the "Champion Tier".

    "overthedge" have been averaging ONLY (36) ranked rounds per month.  Not too difficult to keep up with ball costs at the rate you've been playing.  I'll be cheering you reach the "Champion Tier"....come on, you can do it....*smile*

    You and I have hit about the SAME number of ranked rounds.....around 3,500....but, you've been here on WGT for over 8 years......I've been on WGT for 3-1/2 years.  Trust me, you'd be burned out on this too.  And, no way, you've been putting up the $$$ I have to play this game.

    It's really SAD......that members can't just come to this WGT Forum and express their opinions about some aspect of WGT........without getting hammered by other members who are hiding behind their computers.  

    Every WGT member should show "respect" towards other members here in the Forum...I don't really think that's expecting too much.


  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Mon, Dec 18 2017 12:51 PM

    A hint if ya want it...

    Take surveys at 11pm CST, and again after Midnight if your still up....

    Avoid the ones that offer, 115 credits, 108, the 86 credit offers from "Yoursurveys" or whatever it is, and another site I can't remember the name of(I'll post it when I do)....they don't even give you 5 credits and screen you out 99% of the time anyway...

    I usually try to get screened out with the "MyOpinion" and "WiseSample" surveys immediately because that is usually what happens anyway, might as well save 10 minutes...

    Take the 126, 105, etc etc....

    just get to the survey by saying whatever you have to, then go for the 5 credits with truthful answers, that way your not wasting time...

    There are quite a few other tricks you can figure out....nobody from the states should ever whine about the surveys, the folks from around the world don't get anywhere near the opportunities we do...

    I max out everyday except Saturday doing this while catching up on the news or watching a game repeat....

  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Mon, Dec 18 2017 1:05 PM

    As I mentioned in one of my other comments.....I have averaged around 90 ranked rounds per month.....went thru stretches of averaging over 100 ranked rounds per month.

    Largely, irrelevant. There are plenty of people on here who play as much as you have and can easily keep up with the cost of the game through earning credits. The average number of rounds I've played is easily as high as yours.


    I've been at the "Champion Tier" now for over (2) years.  Took me approx. 18 months to make it to the "Champion Tier".

    Again, don't see the relevance to this discussion. Just out of curiosity, were all of your rounds from the default tees? Or did you play a fair number of red-tee, country-club tournaments to get there?

    By the way, if you took the red-tee shortcut to Champion, that's fine; I don't care. But don't brag about getting to Champion tier as if you accomplished something great.


    I'll be cheering you reach the "Champion Tier"....come on, you can do it....*smile*

    "Smile" aside, that's uncalled for. While maybe you didn't intend it to be, it clearly comes across as snark. And it's especially uncalled for from someone who goes on to write:

    Every WGT member should show "respect" towards other members here in the Forum...I don't really think that's expecting too much.


  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Mon, Dec 18 2017 1:07 PM

    .nobody from the states should ever whine about the surveys, the folks from around the world don't get anywhere near the opportunities we do...


    Last night, I didn't spend that much time on surveys and still managed to earn 733 credits.

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Mon, Dec 18 2017 1:30 PM

    I went over to the survey page after I made that post, got 288 (162 and 126), and one of the surveys was on a VERY slow server...I just can't see any problem LOL

  • SoCalJim23
    432 Posts
    Mon, Dec 18 2017 1:42 PM

    OK.....I agree....points well taken.  My "apologies" to anyone I offended.

    I very much appreciate the GREAT ADVISE from you guys about HOW is the best way to earn FREE credits.  I'll check it all out again and be more patient.  But, still doesn't make me any less "burned out" on WGT golf.

    I'm sure I'll be back and forth over the next several months. WGT is like an addiction.....hard to give it up.....*smile*.




  • whooshdangit
    1,246 Posts
    Mon, Dec 18 2017 1:54 PM



    .nobody from the states should ever whine about the surveys, the folks from around the world don't get anywhere near the opportunities we do...


    Last night, I didn't spend that much time on surveys and still managed to earn 733 credits.

    When all is said and done, this is what it comes down to. Ignoring any personal differences or preferences everybody has a choice. Do I hit rocks with broom handles or invest cash to buy credits.

    If I go for rocks, all good. If I decide to go the credit route, which I did, that's good too. For quite a long time now though it's been getting harder and harder to "earn" free credits.
    Videos are no more and the survey operators seem to take some kind of perverse pleasure in playing ping pong with anybody trying to fill one out, untill something refuses to load or times out. 

    "Earning" credits is a thankless task this side of the pond, 3hrs. 44 minutes and I have 5 credits profit. After 10 minutes I finally became unsuitable and got 5 credits for my trouble.

    Enough of my complaining though, it was my choice.

    Happy hitting over the festive season, whatever your ammunition costs.



  • birdboyJake
    1 Posts
    Mon, Dec 25 2017 8:19 PM

    Hey there....just a question what surveys do you do specifically? I have been doing the tapresearch surveys I used to get 160 almost everyday and now I get through the surveys and it disqualifies right at the end. Just wondering if there is any good surveys to do to get these amounts of credits to talk of