Well, my fellow WGT'ers, does anybody know what time it is ? That's right ! You in the forth row of this stadium, filled to capacity with people who wish to see the " end of game chat " reinstated ! This means it's time for the fifth installment of my relentless, " do or die", twelve month campaign, an', I think it's time to take it up a notch.
To recap, for the past four months, I have resorted to pleading to their greater humanitarian instincts, using bananas as motivation ( colored text ), pointing out the health benefits of said "end of game chat " reinstatement , whining, cajoling, an' some minor begging.
Well, no more Mr. nice Moose ! I hereby challenge any and all programmers', moderators' an' WGT / Topgolf employees, who play this game to an " Avatar War ". Let it be known that it's now open season on their avatars, until this issue is resolved. Street golf rules ( which means there ain't any ). Maybe, with a little properly applied motivation, we can reclaim this once great feature, that has sadly been replaced by more mindless gimmicks.
Actual letter to members@worldgolftour.com , to follow.
Doc :)