My fellow WGT'ers, as we enter the 2nd month of my year long campaign to have the end of game chat re-instated, this months' theme, as promised, is "yellow" .Now, don't get me wrong, I cannot stress enough the enormous importance of having the end of game chat restored, but, without naming any names, we all know of one instance, and, one individual who had the persistance needed to see his dream become a reality.
In keeping with this pioneering spirit, I urge all my fellow WGT'ers to submit a copy of the letter below to, post haste, for, while time flies when you're having fun, fruit flies like a banana.
Letter to follow shortly, as soon as I figger out how to make it yellow.
Okay, with loads of help from our resident computer guru extraordinaire, Scott Hope, and, minus a few manhattens, we is all mellow yellow. Onward.
Doc :)
We respectfully ask that a serious effort be made to re-instate the end of game chat. The social aspect of the game, which is one of its' major selling points, has been severely damaged by the loss of this feature. In our collective opinion, restoring the end of game chat would greatly enhance our enjoyment of the game, and, would make it more likely we would recommend this game to our friends and associates.
Your members.
P.S. Have a banana on us :)