bubbsboy: no release notes at all
They probably don't do release notes anymore because all downtimes lately only involve adding some gimmick to the mobile game, server maintenance, and/or setting a clash up. The PC version is dying...slowly, but it's dying.
The mobile is TG/WGT's future. And posting release notes about the new mobile additions/gimmicks/fixes only pi$$es off the die-hard pc players who have it in their head that WGT should look after this version first, then the mobile. The only thing they do, and will do in the future, for the pc version is whatever is needed to keep it up and running (duct tape and WD40).
The mobile has new effects for birdies/pars/eagles and the most annoying (excellent!!!) flash when you get lucky and hit the ding. It actually goes off before the ball is even struck...just bad timing in the programming. And I couldn't find any way to turn it off.