LouisPeter0: one player accumulated almost 7 million points.
I get the frustration, but as Lucky points out... some players and clubs specialize or enjoy the turf wars. Some clubs/players will actually buy CC passes to play in extra coin matches so all of their points are applied to the turf war as well.
When you have a top player in the high stakes room, it is not unreasonable to see them put upwards of 20 million points if they go on a streak in the top room where they can earn 5 million with sponsor apparel that also boost their coin earnings up from the 4.5 million to 5 million for each win. And that is just one player.
If that player also has a premier pass they don't even necessarily need to stock up or buy passes because they get 6 passes every day, if they time it right that means they could have passes sitting waiting to be played at the start of a turf war and then have another 5 before the TW ends. If someone is winning even 50% of the time and they take 10 shots at the high stakes room that is around 25 million, if they go on a winning streak it could be even more.
So, not only is this feasible, but it can and does happen. That does not mean some people have not cheated or tried to exploit mobile glitches in the past, but throwing up a big number does not automatically mean they are cheating.
Sometimes, TW are more about who you are matched up against and deciding whether it is worth the effort.
On the flip side, I have also seen turf wars won by a single coin match when no one from the other club plays or wins their match. Doesn't happen a lot but it does happen.