MioKontic: Unfortunately I came up with nothing! Hugely disappointed!
I hear that.
I figured, as you were on #8 last nite, I would check out #9. I too hit all around the traps in front and right of green, as well as the clearing to right and up the right side to the road. I had googled earth open in a different window which helped to figure out where I was at times.
I was hitting from the short tee box. At first, I hit 90 yards off to the right of the tee, down the hill. As, wherever I landed, I could not see my avatar, I ruled that area out.
I do say, the traps in front right, and along right side look like a great place for the sign but may be too noticeable to players who miss horribly short or go right. Even so, there are so many small hills of deep brush, it could be there, but I am going to move to a different area.
I know OPY camped out in these traps for a while, but I will have to go back and find those pages and see if we can rule out areas now. I thought Scott had kept track of where OPY had been.
On #8, both the top of the left ridge and 3/4 down fairway to right where there are some paths of sand looks good. I hacked around there, hitting in different directions, and distances hoping to get lucky.
It seems no way until we can set out some quadrants and then methodically go back and forth hitting 5 - 10 yards at a time. I shudder to think how long that will take with just the two of us.
However, it is a busy few days heading into the holiday and we may have more time, and help, when people are not working.
I am not happy to report, some areas were heavily impacted from candy wrappers and bottles. It appears that sometime ago, someone must have raided the clubhouse and had themselves quite the party. I had my dogs with me and one of them dug up an old pair of pants, about 65 yards short of the green, between two bunkers in deep brush. When I went to investigate and found a pair of Hello Kitty underpants. Not wanting to pick them up, I used my feet to cover them with sand. I did put a pink tee in the ground to mark the area.
EDIT: I want to point out, the underpants were adult size.