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Get to Lengend level

Sat, Jul 16 2011 5:50 PM (53 replies)
  • RickBarenes
    215 Posts
    Thu, Jun 23 2011 2:05 PM

    i just made tour master few weeks ago shooting ok hovering between 67-66.What is the mark and or do I have to win or enter tournaments to reach legend ranking thank you.OH BESIDES MAKE MORE BIRDIES LOL


  • Dianne81
    773 Posts
    Thu, Jun 23 2011 2:14 PM

    I'm working my way to Legend also..... I think the magic number is 61 average and not sure how many ranked rounds you need to have played by that time, but  it is factored in as well.


  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Thu, Jun 23 2011 2:43 PM

    Your average has to be below 61, and you have to play an unspecified number of games before you will tier up.

    Some believe that for the first 50 games of ranked play, your average will go both up and down according to your scores, but this number has not been confirmed. After this cruel probationary period, your average will only drop and will no longer climb, even if you have a bad game. After 18 years of slicing 0.00000003 off your average you will reach an average of 61.01 which happily means you only have 4236 games to go before you reach Legend Tier, assuming each and every game records a score of 60. I suggest you buy in a supply of Military Ration Packs, or MRE's in Americanese to sustain life for the duration.

    FYI, the youngest Legend currently on this site is 104 years old, having started Wgt in 1912. This was especially handy because he received a pass for both World Wars due to the important nature of his habit. He also lived on cheese which gave him a necessarily high cholesterol count and quickened his heartrate, baffling medical science at the time, who were then still disinterring the recent deceased at dead of night to saw off various bits to practice on. Highgate Cemetary was not a good place to be after dark.

    The recommended daily dose of Wgt for anyone wishing to attain Legend status, is 47 full 18 hole rounds per day, played on a 45 second clock. Engage the services of a competant financial advisor who should be able to maximise worth on your house for you, whilst at the same time securing a rough tent in a field with broadband access available from the hill farmer from whom you rent your 2 sq metres of grass. The funds realised from such a deal will keep you in callaways for just long enough to endure the probationary period mentioned above, and the following years, provided your Financial advisor has invested wisely.

    Also, buy in aluminium kitchen foil now while the price is stable, you will find that waste is best wrapped in foil since it tends to hold in the aroma and you shouldn't be bothetred overmuch by the farmers dogs curious as to the smell. During the hours of non play (3am EST to 5am EST ) you will be able to bury the foil wraps, or sell them to local street vendors, who will cut them scandalously with poppy products from the silk trail and move them on in far smaller foil wraps.

    Should you wish to reduce expenditure on water ( A known antidote to Biscuits Brown from HM military ration packs) then I suggest you remove to Borrowdale in the English Lake District, where nature provides ample enough.

    There is a possibility that you are encumbered with a spouse and all that that entails, of course your best remedy here is to divorce forthwith and send her/him packing with 44 calloways with which they can purchase a tidy 6 bedroom mansion with decking and a swimming pool. Make sure you settle for a no returns cut.

    Let them have the family car, you will not be needing transport for a very long time.

    Please enjoy your stay here at Wgt, to your right you will find emergency exits here, and here. In the event of a system failure, a copy of The national Enquirer will drop down from the locker above your head.

    Lizzie xx

  • RickBarenes
    215 Posts
    Thu, Jun 23 2011 3:04 PM


    Your average has to be below 61, and you have to play an unspecified number of games before you will tier up.

    Some believe that for the first 50 games of ranked play, your average will go both up and down according to your scores, but this number has not been confirmed. After this cruel probationary period, your average will only drop and will no longer climb, even if you have a bad game. After 18 years of slicing 0.00000003 off your average you will reach an average of 61.01 which happily means you only have 4236 games to go before you reach Legend Tier, assuming each and every game records a score of 60. I suggest you buy in a supply of Military Ration Packs, or MRE's in Americanese to sustain life for the duration.

    FYI, the youngest Legend currently on this site is 104 years old, having started Wgt in 1912. This was especially handy because he received a pass for both World Wars due to the important nature of his habit. He also lived on cheese which gave him a necessarily high cholesterol count and quickened his heartrate, baffling medical science at the time, who were then still disinterring the recent deceased at dead of night to saw off various bits to practice on. Highgate Cemetary was not a good place to be after dark.

    The recommended daily dose of Wgt for anyone wishing to attain Legend status, is 47 full 18 hole rounds per day, played on a 45 second clock. Engage the services of a competant financial advisor who should be able to maximise worth on your house for you, whilst at the same time securing a rough tent in a field with broadband access available from the hill farmer from whom you rent your 2 sq metres of grass. The funds realised from such a deal will keep you in callaways for just long enough to endure the probationary period mentioned above, and the following years, provided your Financial advisor has invested wisely.

    Also, buy in aluminium kitchen foil now while the price is stable, you will find that waste is best wrapped in foil since it tends to hold in the aroma and you shouldn't be bothetred overmuch by the farmers dogs curious as to the smell. During the hours of non play (3am EST to 5am EST ) you will be able to bury the foil wraps, or sell them to local street vendors, who will cut them scandalously with poppy products from the silk trail and move them on in far smaller foil wraps.

    Should you wish to reduce expenditure on water ( A known antidote to Biscuits Brown from HM military ration packs) then I suggest you remove to Borrowdale in the English Lake District, where nature provides ample enough.

    There is a possibility that you are encumbered with a spouse and all that that entails, of course your best remedy here is to divorce forthwith and send her/him packing with 44 calloways with which they can purchase a tidy 6 bedroom mansion with decking and a swimming pool. Make sure you settle for a no returns cut.

    Let them have the family car, you will not be needing transport for a very long time.

    Please enjoy your stay here at Wgt, to your right you will find emergency exits here, and here. In the event of a system failure, a copy of The national Enquirer will drop down from the locker above your head.

    Lizzie xx

    LOL nice quote ya must have that saved to your files lol thanks anyways I just want them damn legend balls

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Thu, Jun 23 2011 3:06 PM

    Brevity. You won't like it, but readers will.

  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Thu, Jun 23 2011 3:30 PM

    Spk fr yrslf

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Thu, Jun 23 2011 3:58 PM

    LOL nice quote ya must have that saved to your files lol thanks anyways
    Not a quote Rick... that's her standard answer length...  probably took her all of 5 minutes to put it together....  lol

    And, unlike my dear friend SweetiePie, I actually enjoy the meanderings through Lizzie's world via the written word.

    It's quite refreshing, imho.. but what do I know?... I've been accused of rambling once or twice myself.

  • RickBarenes
    215 Posts
    Thu, Jun 23 2011 4:20 PM

    Just a woundering I guess I will have plenty of time to get use to the tournament greens lol

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Thu, Jun 23 2011 5:19 PM


    Spk fr yrslf

    That is a nice start, but should read, " Speak for yourself" you cut back way too far. But keep at it, you will get it. 

  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Thu, Jun 23 2011 5:20 PM


    Just a woundering I guess I will have plenty of time to get use to the tournament greens lol


    You will, but it won't help because Legend tournament speed is slightly faster than TM speed. They share the same name because apparently nomenclature is not large enough to encompass two distinct terms for what after all, are two different things. It is rather like comparing sweetness to distaste, the feeling that something (like a pie for instance) that you ate and initially looked like it could be good, but turns out that being past it's sell by date has made it less than it should have been, and nothing like it purported to be. If you get my meaning...

    Lizzie xx