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Get to Lengend level

Sat, Jul 16 2011 5:50 PM (53 replies)
  • WigerToods2010
    8,446 Posts
    Fri, Jun 24 2011 3:05 AM


     It is rather like comparing sweetness to distaste, the feeling that something (like a pie for instance) that you ate and initially looked like it could be good, but turns out that being past it's sell by date has made it less than it should have been, and nothing like it purported to be. If you get my meaning...

    Lizzie xx


    We do indeed - nothing worse than an old foosty pie -  Miaaaaow.



  • 7thwave
    556 Posts
    Fri, Jun 24 2011 4:01 AM

    Just to set everything straight: In TM tier the Avg. is calculated over the 50 best rounds. I would imagine that that is the minimum amount of rounds to be played in this tier before being elligable to promotion to Legend tier. The number 50 (for calculating avg.) is confirmed by your's truly (Logged my rounds in excel and waited for WGT avg to deviate from std. Avg calc.).

    As for the youngest Legend on WGT being a close friend of Napoleon; I wish that were true. I made Legend in 3 months and 2 weeks (and have regrets every round i play). I played St. Andrews almost exclusivly thus shaving my avg down with lightning speed. The price I now pay is that i'm teeing off from "boy's" tees with the (WGT)golfing experiance of an infant (eveywhere, except on St. A.). Very frustrating playing 69.5 avg when u are used to playing 63 or something.

    Now, as for the "magical number" in the Legend tier; being the number of rounds the avg is calculated over: i CAN tell you it;s more then 195........I'm again logging my rounds and after 195 rounds the WGT avg is following the std avg. My guess is it will be 200. News can be obtained tomorrow i'd expect.

  • SpeedRacerX
    11 Posts
    Fri, Jun 24 2011 6:18 AM

    WOW... first time I have wondered into these forums and this? Absolutly awesome. I loved that. Thats right on point with my own sense of humor. I look forward to seeing more posts like this.

    I have actually convinced my wife to take on extra jobs to make up for my lack of working since discovering this wonderful game of WGT.

    She baths me in my chair and serves and clears my meals now.

    I have her convinced that I can make her rich with this game if I only practice enough.

    Every now and then when she starts to become wary of her additional duties to support the household I bring up a picture of something shiney and expensive and she soon is back to caring for all the things I neglect in the hopes it will speed me to financial independence as a result of becoming a ledgend on WGT.

    Oh happy day!

  • StrangeMagic
    1,304 Posts
    Fri, Jun 24 2011 6:37 AM

  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Fri, Jun 24 2011 6:55 AM

    I liked your first reply better...

    Lizzie xx

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Jun 24 2011 7:24 AM

    LOL-I like the pic because you just know the kitten in the air is going to land mid chest on the edge of the stump and bounce off like a rag doll while the other one falls off backwards.  :-D

  • CanineSupervisor
    1,882 Posts
    Fri, Jun 24 2011 8:30 AM

    I rather enjoy the prose of Lizzie, albeit lengthy, they are a marvelous thing to read. One never knows what shall be learned from reading her posts.

    Is there some strange magic attached to the Legend balls that I am unaware of ? If so, maybe I should take lessons from David Copperfield.

  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Fri, Jun 24 2011 11:03 AM


    WOW... first time I have wondered into these forums and this? Absolutly awesome. I loved that. Thats right on point with my own sense of humor. I look forward to seeing more posts like this.

    I have actually convinced my wife to take on extra jobs to make up for my lack of working since discovering this wonderful game of WGT.

    She baths me in my chair and serves and clears my meals now.

    I have her convinced that I can make her rich with this game if I only practice enough.

    Every now and then when she starts to become wary of her additional duties to support the household I bring up a picture of something shiney and expensive and she soon is back to caring for all the things I neglect in the hopes it will speed me to financial independence as a result of becoming a ledgend on WGT.

    Oh happy day!


    Yay-men Brother!

    Long live long winded lamprophony lest loquaciousness lacks lustre.

    I mean serious now, why spit when you can stroke?

    Lizzie xx

  • DarSum
    1,440 Posts
    Fri, Jun 24 2011 11:29 AM

    63 was when I was moved up. And they wasted no time in doing so.....

  • suncity28
    1,266 Posts
    Fri, Jun 24 2011 4:07 PM

    Now, as for the "magical number" in the Legend tier; being the number of rounds the avg is calculated over: i CAN tell you it;s more then 195........I'm again logging my rounds and after 195 rounds the WGT avg is following the std avg. My guess is it will be 200. News can be obtained tomorrow i'd expect.

    I have played 400 ranked rounds from the legend tier , Average still goes up. I am thinking may need to log 500 ranked rounds before average stops going up..

    In saying that I can shoot 27 & average not drop  00.1 would need to shoot back to back 27 & 28 or 29 for it to drop.