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THE ONLY CURE for Your Meter Glitches!

Tue, Nov 8 2011 5:59 AM (27 replies)
  • joseph85
    6 Posts
    Tue, Jul 19 2011 10:53 AM

    Iknow how you feel . Did you know you can simply let the meter run down and out without swinging and re-set the meter ? There's no stroke counted against you as long as you dont swing .

  • fancydancer
    1 Posts
    Tue, Jul 19 2011 9:21 PM

    I had no idea that you could do that. However my problem is that my meter is so wildly irratic.  It has NEVER swings the same and often it will stop short of the bar and they streak to the end.  Sometimes it runs so fast that I try to stop it early and it hits the far right end.  I played on a friends game today and his really has a sweet swing and of course this jus made me furious with my system. Dang I hate to give up this game but it drives me nuts.


  • jakestanfill7
    949 Posts
    Tue, Jul 19 2011 9:39 PM

    The only real cure for meter glitches is to play TWO, but seeing as how that game sucks, I guess we're stuck with a great but flawed game.

    So much more fun when all you have to deal with is the VEM.  Really happy for those who have computers that run the game properly but god it's frustrating for the multitude of us who don't. 

    3 big glitches in the Open have me 4 strokes off the lead instead of 1.  Funny part is I considered myself lucky to only have 3 MAJOR meter glitches in 18 holes but 2 happened to be on 5 foot par putts.

  • PugsAce
    1,825 Posts
    Tue, Jul 19 2011 11:33 PM


    Iknow how you feel . Did you know you can simply let the meter run down and out without swinging and re-set the meter ? There's no stroke counted against you as long as you dont swing .

    Hehheh! Well... yeah. Hence, the animation in Post #1... The "CURE"... "Just Don't Swing".  ;)

    But there are always terms used like, "rarely", "occasional", "fewer" (just to mention a few that were used in this thread alone), that describe the ever-present meter glitches that we all get at one time, or another. The elusive "Cure" however, assuming we're all determined to stick it out here (and not jump to TWO) is just as joseph spelled out.

    "Legends", I've been told, should have NO excuse for getting metered (Kittied :), because of our extensive experience with the flawed beast. We "should know" when a glitch is imminent, and "should know" to abort our swing (by not clicking) on the downswing.

    do "know" that, as I'm sure a lot of other players do... Legends, or not. But putting this "knowledge" into practice is an entirely different thing! lol

    The one that gets me most is when the downswing looks perfectly fine... then at that last instant, just as the advancing illuminated stripe reaches the 1st line before the "dinger" line, it stops dead.

    THAT is what I tried to portray using that annoying (but cute) kittie. That guy has some GREAT reflexes!  I would have only been left with a bloody mess on the tee to explain, and nightmarish memories for a long time after that when I'd see a kitten playing in the grass.  :/

  • anomahaguy
    93 Posts
    Wed, Jul 20 2011 1:46 AM

    there is only one answer... 

    it takes:



    ...and just a little bit of effort.

    i promise i will cure you of: stutters, jerks, hiccups, nose bleeds, unwanted sexual advances from any and all women, male pattern baldness, erectile disfunction, high blood sugar, and lazy-eye....

    but i'll be DAMNED if you won't see you scores take a most rapid decline in a very short amount of time..


  • Neil110772
    287 Posts
    Wed, Jul 20 2011 9:35 AM

    I use google chrome, I do a clean up once a week (i use advance system care free version, that cleans all temp files cache etc) and I did this;

    Ok, I found this fix on the net a week ago and since I done it my meter has been near perfect ever since.

    It works for Vista and Windows7 but if your using XP you can try it too.

    Its not like the download latency fix that some of you may have heard of but is a direct latency fix. If your not sure about changing registry settings I suggest you do a system restore point before doing this and if you mess up you can just restore your system back to what you previously had and you'll have no problems.

    So here goes;

    1. From command prompt (usually found in All Programs- Accessories-Command Prompt) run 'regedit'.

    2. Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/services/Tcpip/parameters/interfaces.

    3. Browse the items under interfaces until you find one with an IP Address (typically Lan IP Addresses start with 192.168.10 or .01

    4. Right click on interface and select new > DWORD (32 BIT) VALUE, name it 'TcpAckFrequency'.

    5. Right click the new TcpAckFrequency value and select modify and enter 1 (hexadecimal button should be selected).

    6. Right click on interface and select new > DWORD (32 BIT) VALUE, name it 'TCPNoDelay'.

    7. Right click the new TCPNoDelay value and select modify and enter 1 (hexadecimal button should be selected).

    8. Verify that both of your new properties show a value of REG_DWORD 0x00000001.

    9. Exit and reboot your system (you must do this for it to take effect).

    10. Enjoy your smoother meter.

    I hope this works for you, I know it worked for me.

    I suggest you hightlight this post, copy it, then paste it to notebook or word then print it out.

    Since Ive done this I might get 1 or 2 meter stutters a week, if that!!!


  • EspoOrr
    81 Posts
    Fri, Jul 29 2011 6:56 PM


    I use google chrome, I do a clean up once a week (i use advance system care free version, that cleans all temp files cache etc) and I did this;


    Ok, I found this fix on the net a week ago and since I done it my meter has been near perfect ever since.

    It works for Vista and Windows7 but if your using XP you can try it too.

    Its not like the download latency fix that some of you may have heard of but is a direct latency fix. If your not sure about changing registry settings I suggest you do a system restore point before doing this and if you mess up you can just restore your system back to what you previously had and you'll have no problems.

    So here goes;

    1. From command prompt (usually found in All Programs- Accessories-Command Prompt) run 'regedit'.

    2. Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/services/Tcpip/parameters/interfaces.

    3. Browse the items under interfaces until you find one with an IP Address (typically Lan IP Addresses start with 192.168.10 or .01

    4. Right click on interface and select new > DWORD (32 BIT) VALUE, name it 'TcpAckFrequency'.

    5. Right click the new TcpAckFrequency value and select modify and enter 1 (hexadecimal button should be selected).

    6. Right click on interface and select new > DWORD (32 BIT) VALUE, name it 'TCPNoDelay'.

    7. Right click the new TCPNoDelay value and select modify and enter 1 (hexadecimal button should be selected).

    8. Verify that both of your new properties show a value of REG_DWORD 0x00000001.

    9. Exit and reboot your system (you must do this for it to take effect).

    10. Enjoy your smoother meter.

    I hope this works for you, I know it worked for me.

    I suggest you hightlight this post, copy it, then paste it to notebook or word then print it out.

    Since Ive done this I might get 1 or 2 meter stutters a week, if that!!!




    Fantastic tip Neil! Haven't had a single stutter since i did this tweak!


  • PugsAce
    1,825 Posts
    Fri, Jul 29 2011 8:23 PM

    Ummm... not sure which of the last two "better meter offers" I'd attempt to try.... they seem to be sooo similar in total unnecessary inanity. HexaAaacckkk... what?

    The chair-thing does look promising!

    Whatever works for others, though...

    ... but I think I'll hafta skip'em both. :/

    lol  :]]

  • ifixpcs
    130 Posts
    Fri, Jul 29 2011 8:24 PM

    DON'T DO IT UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Just because he says it works for him, doesn't mean it's gonna work for you.

    When you start messing with registry entries, you could end up disabling your computer.  I don't mind people giving tips, but when you start telling people to change registry settings...THEN I GOT A PROBLEM...registry settings are to be changed by computer techs...not by someone trying to stop a meter problem.  It's tooooooo many other ways to speed things up without regedit. 



  • BustaSpliff
    417 Posts
    Sat, Jul 30 2011 9:14 AM

    Yes an ive had  probs with windows advanced b4    couple of years ago,so be careful..

      Its all down too Wgt,here this meter problems  ,errors please close windowsnow and open again,blue screen,it says when i log in ure  browser doesnt work on this game only IE7 Above,now ive been here a  year and im on  IE6,so what s the crack ,has any one heard of Wgt on here when u ask them about  fixing a  problem ?  doubt it,Wgt  icon is the  only  one ,but he will only   asnwer what members can say anyway.  Come on WGT  dont lose ure Paying Customers,think of there Rights spending there hard earned Cash in here and getting faulty  goods.