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THE ONLY CURE for Your Meter Glitches!

Tue, Nov 8 2011 5:59 AM (27 replies)
  • Neil110772
    287 Posts
    Sat, Jul 30 2011 1:31 PM

    Your welcome EspoOrr, as to all the negative comments, what of ' if your not sure about changing registry settings then do a system restore point' do you not understand?


  • EspoOrr
    81 Posts
    Sun, Jul 31 2011 12:43 PM

    DON'T DO IT UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Obviously i'm comfortable with using regedit and this tweak worked wonders, but i agree...if you're not familiar with the registry and navigating around it, leave it alone.

    5,835 Posts
    Sun, Jul 31 2011 10:10 PM


    3. Browse the items under interfaces until you find one with an IP Address (typically Lan IP Addresses start with 192.168.10 or .01

    4. Right click on interface and select new > DWORD (32 BIT) VALUE, name it 'TcpAckFrequency'.

    grey area.

    Why do we need to find the sub folder with the IP address, if all we are doing is adding to new entries to the Top folder - "interfaces'

    Isn't looking for the folder with the IP address unnecessary? 

  • jakestanfill7
    949 Posts
    Thu, Oct 27 2011 9:32 PM

    Wow, after trying everything under the sun for the last year to get the meter playable, I stumbled on this old thread.

    What a huge difference.  Not a computer tech here by any means, but Neil's instructions were great and my meter has gone from glitching every single swing to only about 2-3 times per side.  Neil, I owe you big man.  Best tip ever for meter least for me.

    5,835 Posts
    Thu, Oct 27 2011 10:13 PM

    Best tip ever for meter least for me.


    and me.. i get a glitch once in 30 games now

  • chuckles1955
    63 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2011 12:32 AM

    Here is my two cents, for what its worth.  I had big meter problems, so I downloaded a free browser called Comodo dragon, you also get free clean sweep and other things you can use.  I have had it for about a year now, super fast, safe, and easy.   I swear I have no and I mean no meter problems since, and download speed for loading the game is super fast now.  Also you can go into options in the game menu and uncheck reflections, that helps.  

  • jakestanfill7
    949 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2011 7:04 PM

    Nevermind on the registry fix helping.  Guess it was just coincidence the night I tweaked it the meter was good.  Horrible yesterday and today.

    Tried Comodo browser too.  No help.

    Still don't understand how my system can run any game or program under the sun without a glitch but WGT is atrocious.  Wish these guys would engineer and test different meter set up.  My meter always travels down the line smooth until it gets to all the lines and strike on the meter, then it stutters like someone put sugar in the gas tank.

    5,835 Posts
    Tue, Nov 8 2011 5:59 AM

    My meter always travels down the line smooth until it gets to all the lines and strike on the meter, then it stutters


    Do you clear your Flash Cache often?