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850 missing Creds SUCKS! What to do?

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Wed, Jun 29 2011 7:55 PM (4 replies)
  • JDean67
    3 Posts
    Tue, Jun 28 2011 4:29 PM


    Today I did the 2 auto insurance quote surveys. This was really timely for me, since I am getting a car on July 1 after not having a car for 3 yrs, so I NEED insurance. It was a perfect fit...I get people to sell me insurance I need, PLUS I get credits for WGT! (I got my eye on some sweet callaway Z balls!)

    The first offer, the 450c one, went just great. I got a decent quote from a 21st Century insurance agent, and the creds were there immediately. The second one, not so good...

    Auto quote USA, the 850c offer, started out fine. I filled in the info, and everything was going good. There is a strange issue with the town I live in you see...

    About a year and a half ago, our town got its own zip code (after sharing a zip code with an adjacent town). Obviously, I input the new code. I have encountered some problems over this in other things, since a lot of places have not updated the zip code info, the OLD zip is the only one recognized. Upon completion, I received a notification at the bottom of the page wich said: "Zip code 60484 not recognized".


    I went in, input the info, and changed the zip to the OLD code (60466). I THOUGHT that fixed things, since I received calls, and got quotes from an agent associated with Viking, Unique, and Affirmative Insurance (obviously an independant agent). Great again, as I NEED multiple quotes to shop the best price...

    Well, I then logged back into WGT, and despite the 850c offer saying it would credit immediately, nothing wa sin my account. It has now been a few hours, and the "immediate" credit transfer still hasnt happened. I then checked transaction history, and neither offer completion was showing, altho I did get the 450 cred from the first one.


    what is my next step please?


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Jun 28 2011 4:48 PM

    Start by going to the tab under Get Credits that says Earn Free Credits. There's a Support button on the top right of the offers box.

  • JDean67
    3 Posts
    Tue, Jun 28 2011 4:52 PM


    Did not see that. Appreciate the help.

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Tue, Jun 28 2011 10:02 PM

    Some of these take a couple of days.

  • JDean67
    3 Posts
    Wed, Jun 29 2011 7:55 PM

    Even if it says "immediately?

    I did the 450 insurance quote thing, and it did appear immediately. This one just never showed.

    Later yesterday, I di that US Auto Quotes one again, using the old zip code. It went through, and I do a quote from Geico Insurance. I received a reference number for this quote. Still no creds...

    when I attempted to send the ref # to the supprt folks (I had entered a ticket per the answer above earlier), The site would not accept a 2nd ticket for support. sigh...

    I now have the "proof" that I indeed got a quote thru that site, and STILL no creds.

    If it is an issue of the company not "believeing" that I really wanted a quote, then I could even show PROOF I jsut purchased insurance, set to go into effect on the 1st. But since it was not thru one of the quotes I received via this offer (all were in excess of 10% higher than the State Farm quote I received), the fact I really did qualify for the creds probably doesn't matter...

    I am despairing of EVER seeing those creds.