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Bad players, insulting words

Fri, Jul 1 2011 8:33 PM (32 replies)
  • wayneodle
    5 Posts
    Wed, Jun 29 2011 11:21 AM


    I felt I had to reply to this post. My partner and I played against you and your partner in an AS game 2 days ago. We were subjected to a torrent of abuse from you, all because I committed the awful crime of innocently commenting on how AS is a good way of meeting and interacting with players on wgt. Your partner was ok - actually he tried to get you to stop - but you were extremely nasty. So when you are screenshotting players' rants, maybe you should do the same with your own. Its interesting how you say that this guy started accusing and abusing "for no reason". Hmmm...I wonder.


     I have never played a game with you, I have not played a AS game, I have no idea what an AS that means. I did not play any partner game two days ago and have not played any partners games for over 10 days.

    I am very concerned that you would send me this type of comment.

    Never have on told anyone on WGT anything rude, never used a cuss word, never insulted anyone. You have me confused with someone else.

    I encouage you to plese check who was insultive to you. 

    If I can help please let me know, Wayne Odle

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Jun 29 2011 11:27 AM

    There's a fine line between busting chops (talking smack) and coming across as rude in AS games. Not everybody is into the verbal sparring for fun. I am but only if I see the others are and then there's a lot of "lol"  "j/k" and self deprecation involved. It's real easy to take something the wrong way and get off on the wrong foot. Even then you can get off track sometimes.

    I played in an AS match where I thought all 4 of us were smacking around and on the last hole one of the guys told me he was convinced I was an AH. The other 2 guys, including his partner, and I all said "Huh?" 

    Smack around but make sure everybody's playing.  :-)

  • gsoup
    2,929 Posts
    Wed, Jun 29 2011 1:44 PM

    there are friend of mine i can rant and rave all i want, j/k and lol are not necessary' i palyed an AS a week or so ago and i happened to mention that one guy reminded me of my wife, that she doesnt speak to me either, the other 2 people immediately typed their lols and lmaos, but mr quiet let a stream of profanity that made me blush and then he quit,

    i dont use the f bombs and such (only when im pissed) but sometimes a good F**K is very necessary, just makes me feel good. 

    its just like using the word FESC UE showoff to a friend, gets the point across.   

    i also had someone say his kids where watching, the cursing ended with apologies, and the game went on.

    Remember there are some VERY thin skined people out there who can give it but cant take it.

    hit em straight(as well as you can) and keep it in the short stuff

    and most of all HAVE FUN

    its just a game


  • 6six6
    194 Posts
    Wed, Jun 29 2011 2:02 PM


    I felt I had to reply to this post. My partner and I played against you and your partner in an AS game 2 days ago. We were subjected to a torrent of abuse from you, all because I committed the awful crime of innocently commenting on how AS is a good way of meeting and interacting with players on wgt. Your partner was ok - actually he tried to get you to stop - but you were extremely nasty. So when you are screenshotting players' rants, maybe you should do the same with your own. Its interesting how you say that this guy started accusing and abusing "for no reason". Hmmm...I wonder.



    oneeyed sounds like a creep!

  • mar101
    70 Posts
    Wed, Jun 29 2011 5:01 PM

    I know you didnt Wayne. Maybe I didnt make myself clear enough. Sorry if I caused confusion. It was ONEEYEDJOHN' post I  was referring to. The reply was definitely sent to his post

  • TheAceFactor
    2,147 Posts
    Wed, Jun 29 2011 5:09 PM




    oneeyed sounds like a creep!

    Uh huh,  and Wayne I'm quite sure Mar101 was indeed referring to oneeyed not you. Understandable that you mistook this as he so conveniently ignored Mar's post altogether. According to Mar (and assuming oneeyed was accompanied by his Alt.Shot  partner  "twoeyed")...sounds like they were using the ol' good cop / bad cop Alt. Shot tactic. I would like to remind you oneeye before you reply that you are under oath sir...



  • mar101
    70 Posts
    Wed, Jun 29 2011 5:27 PM

    Actually Ace, I cant remember his partner's name but I know he called him"Blue" for short. So as far as I remember there was definitely "Blue" in his name.Actually . would you believe, His p sent a friend request to me but I declined. I sorry I didn't accept it, if only for a short while, then at least I would know his name. I hope this gets sorted, so that he may hesitate before he does it to someone else. He may tell lies about this but I KNOW THE TRUTH. Thank you all for your support.



    MAR 101

  • mar101
    70 Posts
    Wed, Jun 29 2011 5:50 PM

    Hi again Wayne, I wrote a message on your wall, as my replies seem to be taking a long time to get to the forum.. It's 2am here so I'd better get to bed. I hope the misunderstanding has been cleared up. Thank you for your kind words. I shall read the forum again tomorrow. Cheers, 


  • oneeyedjohn
    9,570 Posts
    Thu, Jun 30 2011 12:50 AM

    Well I think the above 3 posts demonstrate how females have this wonderful talent for using 100's of words when a few will suffice.
    I dislike a lot of chatter in AS games but tolerate it as best I can, but sometimes it reaches a point where I have to disable chat. The utter drivel one has to put up with is unbearable and I prefer not to get involved , but with this particular game she just wouldn't give up, so I took the bait and gave as good as I got.

    Amen in 94 words


    P.S.  I don't know why you had to involve yourself here Mar101 as our game has nothing to do with my original post in this thread. You just can't let things rest . The other players in our game were heyblue & loosedrive.

  • mar101
    70 Posts
    Thu, Jun 30 2011 2:48 AM

    Actually, One eye, you started your nastiness on 1st hole - it was only a nine hole game. I did tell you I didnt mind if you didnt wish to communicate but you started a nasty prolonged rant. You only stopped when Loosdrive (my p) said, and I quote," Oneeye, for a guy who 

    doesnt like talking you sure do a heck of a lot of blabbing" And , yes, my reply had everything to do with your post. The irony of your complaint seems to have gone over your head.So you should tell us in the next post what YOU actually said to the guy who was rude to you.