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i want a 20th hole forum section for when we get boozed up :-D

rated by 0 users
Mon, Oct 5 2009 9:03 PM (1 replies)
  • coolhotfun
    229 Posts
    Mon, Oct 5 2009 7:06 PM

    ok ya guys.. lol.. hang on.. lemme go find a google pic of that 19th hole exuberant fan.. hahaha :-D


    ok ya guys.. like come on.. lets get an extra section where we can have fun chatting about extra stuff thats going on in the world besides golf. Like come on.. ask yourselves like i did.. hows what you're doing workin' out for ya? and you'll say.. well, ok.. i tried that for several seasons and haha.. here i am wondering where all the action is.. lol.. ok so u recall yourself wondering that and stuff 'll get fixed by the noob admins.. lol ;-)

  • coolhotfun
    229 Posts
    Mon, Oct 5 2009 9:03 PM

    nevermind your legends section.. we need a 20th hole ;-)