Scott must be a southerner (jellied eels for starters pal?) ;-)
Should be a pie (steak and ale), mash & gravy (not liquor). Maybe some peas if feeling a bit crazy.
Looking at your country flad, i would say tapas with red wine.
I was down with the turtle soup tbh Scott ;))
Will be my starter...chicken soup probably.
binkybaxter1:chateaux Briand
Too much effort dressing up and booking the table TBH..
And eating out most nights for the next 4 months..might see me bankrupt ;D
A bottle of Chianti
borntobesting: A bottle of Chianti
Waaaaaw...let's not even go to what I might drink !!!
pphhht ppphtt ;0
EDIT I'll be drinking water...
Weirdly enough...was T bone or medallions of
1st answer was correct, decided on lamb !!! ( what r the chances ? ) was'nt 'specific' enough....
Think of Pulp Fiction..
How is it going to be cooked ?