Weirdly enough...was T bone or medallions of
1st answer was correct, decided on lamb !!! ( what r the chances ? ) was'nt 'specific' enough....
Think of Pulp Fiction..
How is it going to be cooked ?
Ok, 20 mins left on this..not leaving them open all night , anymore, when the answer is there ;)))
Off for a shower then get leaving soon. ( already gettin earache)
" are you off the damn computer yet? we're meant to be leaving at 10pm, we have to be there at 10.45 to meet John n Shelly "
Weeellll, if I hadn't sat here waiting for you to get ready for 50 fookin minutes..I might've got a wriggle on !! < the response that doesn't bode well for an easy going evening ;))
They were my fookin friends anyway before she even met,,they'll wait lol