Friday, December 20, 2019
This is a good one! :-)
Beyond you
Can you put your problems in perspective? Of course you can, but doing so means admitting you are not the center of the universe.
Can you let your anxiety melt away? Sure you can, when you let go of the notion that everything is about you.
You’ll see more, know more, understand more when you look beyond you. You’ll live more richly, with a deeper, sustaining sense of purpose, when you live beyond you.
Reach out with your arms, your mind, your spirit. Look up, away from your insularity, and contemplate a higher, broader, greater vantage.
Beyond you are countless possibilities you can participate in. Beyond you are forces, truths, levels of experience and understanding that offer great benefit.
Know that you will never know it all, and you’ll know something exceedingly valuable. With humility, appreciation, and awe, be mindful of all that’s beyond you, and be enriched in every moment.
— Ralph Marston