Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Making a difference
Life in all its forms has made a difference long before you were around to see it. Vast stretches of hard, unyielding volcanic rock were transformed into soft, fertile soil by the power of life.
The oxygen that sustains you in every moment is constantly replenished by life itself. Much of the value in your world comes from the reality that life, in its very essence, makes a difference.
Not only can you make a difference, you can choose what difference to make. Every day you make that choice, and every day it matters.
You can positively affect the course of your own life and the lives around you. It is a magnificent opportunity and a great responsibility.
What you think, what you choose, what you do, it all makes a difference far beyond what anyone can imagine. So it’s best to make your choices based on love, wisdom, gratitude, respect, and generosity.
All the time, you can make a difference, you do make a difference. What positive and uplifting difference will you make right now?
— Ralph Marston