does anyone know the stablist flash player im using flashplayer it is jittery as anything was wondering whats the smoothest version
TomJay1: does anyone know the stablist flash player im using flashplayer it is jittery as anything was wondering whats the smoothest version
There are a few threads around that discuss this. Chrome is a disaster for me, but Maxthon Cloud is working. I remember someone saying that using Flash version 29 was working well for them.
"Very bad lag" and "Anybody else having issues" are the threads I'd recommend checking out.
seems like a problem in most Browsers,certainly is in every one i have tried.
It depends on the browser, because they use different variants of Flash. IE with ActiveX, Chrome with Pepperflash, Mozilla family with another Flash.
I've been on Firefox with Flash #29 for a while now, and it's o.k.
been having problems for several days now, no matter how many flashes and browsers i try its still playing badly(ball flight, dots on green moving very slowly when i move cursor and meter is jumpy.
AndyJames123: been having problems for several days now, no matter how many flashes and browsers i try its still playing badly(ball flight, dots on green moving very slowly when i move cursor and meter is jumpy.
its definitely a Flash issue Andy
i uninstalled flash and rolled back to(Released 05/08/2018) Flash Player (422 MB) after i did this the game runs smoothly again.
Yep. It sucks. Essentially unplayable!! They need to fix this
cheers stevie but to no avail although that also may be down to me being a dumbo when it comes to computers.....gutted
stevietwotimes: AndyJames123: been having problems for several days now, no matter how many flashes and browsers i try its still playing badly(ball flight, dots on green moving very slowly when i move cursor and meter is jumpy. its definitely a Flash issue Andy i uninstalled flash and rolled back to(Released 05/08/2018) Flash Player (422 MB) after i did this the game runs smoothly again.
AndyJames123:cheers stevie but to no avail although that also may be down to me being a dumbo when it comes to computers.....gutted
Fear not, there's another way. The SRware Iron browser always proved to be an acceptable backup over the years. It's an older browser that has always handled the game nicely. Give it a try, I think you'll be playing shortly. ;-)
I have tried 5 browsers