We all have differing opinions over this and I am not the only one calling for this club to be banned ; you will see I only called for a ban until this bug is fixed not a full ban.
We do not know if WGT made any contact with this club after the problem was first spotted if they did and the club still used the cheat then that is even more of a reason for a ban.If this was a single player cheating would you not want something done about them ? perhaps we should just ban the cheating players not the entire club which is what I initially called for.
I do agree that WGT should take most of the responsibility for this bug and they have known of there being some form of scoring problem for months now but have done little about it.
The custom course glitch on the other hand hurts no one and in fact I just think it is a clever marketing ploy by WGT ; players getting more X/P means levelling up and tiering up faster and therefore players are more likely to upgrade their equipment quicker so more money for WGT.
Also just because some one or club finds a bug does this mean that they have the right to use it ? there are many forms of cheating within this game those that use a cheat that affects others should be if caught prepared to take some form of punishment.
Your point about if WGT want to fix errors is valid I some times wonder . If it does not affect their profits it does not seem to get fixed. This bug in the end if it means less players play in the clash will impact on WGT's revenues (if only the 11 clubs who next come up against this club dont play or play only free passes etc ).
I come back to your main point WGT must take most of the blame for this they rely far to much on players policing this game. They need to be more active in making sure this game is fair for all and take more notice when players do report some form of bug or issue and not wait until we have proven it to them.