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Putting Stats Question

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Wed, Jun 20 2018 5:14 AM (20 replies)
  • ItsTooSweet
    149 Posts
    Tue, Jun 19 2018 10:34 AM


     Putting Avg. Per Hole: 1.45

    Does this mean if someone had an avg of 1.0 they are basically birdying every hole?

    No. As someone already point out, the number of putts has nothing to do with the number of shots a person took to get on the green. In other words, I could 1-putt every hole and still end up with a score of par for the round.

    You're assuming the person is getting on the green in regulation. That may not be the case. For a 9-hole round, I could do the following :

    Par 3s: Tee shot lands just off the green, pitch to a few feet, hole putt. Result: 1 putt and par. 

    Par 4s: Drive, approach misses the green, pitch on the green to a couple of feet, hole putt for par. Result: 1 putt and par.

    Par 5s: Drive, lay up on second shot, third shot misses green, pitch to a few feet, hole putt for par. Result: 1 putt and par.

    Results for round: 9 putts, shoot par (no birdies). Putts per hole = 1.0. 

    I realize that Robert. I was just trying to get a sensible interpretation of the stat. If you made it on the green in a normal fashion, (no eagles, hole outs, etc..) and assumed two putts per hole. Would a 1.0 basically mean you were birdying every hole?


  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Tue, Jun 19 2018 11:05 AM

    I was just trying to get a sensible interpretation of the stat. If you made it on the green in a normal fashion, (no eagles, hole outs, etc..) and assumed two putts per hole. Would a 1.0 basically mean you were birdying every hole?

    I suppose, yes, the person would be birdying every hole.

    But, in the aggregate, you've now constructed a hypothetical that does not reflect reality. A player may occasionally do that for a single round. But that will never be replicated in reality, assuming the person has more than just a handful of rounds and posts most of their scores, not cherry picking them. 

  • TopShelf2010
    10,975 Posts
    Tue, Jun 19 2018 11:07 AM


  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Tue, Jun 19 2018 11:40 AM


    Well done! I would have never thought of that. 

  • ItsTooSweet
    149 Posts
    Tue, Jun 19 2018 11:45 AM


    Short Haul Rounds multiplied by 9 = Total amount of Short Haul holes

    Long Haul Rounds multiplied by 18 = Total amount of Long Haul holes.

    Thanks Don. This gives almost the same exact number as the formula I gave earlier (Total Putts / Avg Putts per Hole). They are within 7 holes of each other. Not too bad of a discrepancy for over 47,000 holes. Either way works pretty well. 47,000 holes means I play way too much of this game. LOL. Happy Hitting.

  • ItsTooSweet
    149 Posts
    Tue, Jun 19 2018 11:53 AM

    But, in the aggregate, you've now constructed a hypothetical that does not reflect reality.

    That's kind of the whole idea, but with some bounds in reality. It's just a way to kind of normalize the data. Hypothetically a 1.0 would be birdying every hole, a 2.0 would be parring every hole. So all things considered my 1.45 equates to birdying 55% of the holes. Realizing this not an exact model of what happened. It gives some sort of sense of how I am doing if everything was normalized. Of course it could of taken 10 shots to get on the green.

  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Tue, Jun 19 2018 12:11 PM


    OK, I'm with you now. But the way they collect and aggregate data, that's not possible. And I have to be honest and note that it seems like it would be an overly complicated way to get that information.

    If a person wants to know what percent of the holes they birdied, they should be able to simply calculate that number from the "totals" numbers (i.e. total double eagles, total eagles, total birdies, and so on). Yes? 

  • TopShelf2010
    10,975 Posts
    Tue, Jun 19 2018 12:47 PM


  • DoctorLarry
    4,323 Posts
    Tue, Jun 19 2018 11:10 PM


    But, in the aggregate, you've now constructed a hypothetical that does not reflect reality.

    That's kind of the whole idea, but with some bounds in reality. It's just a way to kind of normalize the data. Hypothetically a 1.0 would be birdying every hole, a 2.0 would be parring every hole.

    Just look at the stats on your profile and it tells you exactly how many HIO, double eagles, eagles, birdies, pars, bogies, ....etc you have made over ranked rounds.  It also shows your cumulative averages for scores on par 3, par 4 , and par 5 holes.  Tracking all these numbers indicates if and where you are making progress.  Of course, the changes get minute after a large number of ranked rounds, but.........

  • borntobesting
    9,774 Posts
    Wed, Jun 20 2018 4:03 AM

    Throwing a monkey wrench into the putting stats question. But are putts taken in match play counted in the putting stats. Looks like they should be. And if not. Why not?