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ez starter

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Thu, Jul 7 2011 6:39 AM (5 replies)
  • oldcollectorcoin
    46 Posts
    Thu, Jul 7 2011 3:47 AM

    EZ starter clubs

    when i first started i don't remember using those clubs but when i look at other noobs inventory they
    are the only clubs i see somewhat indicating that is what i must have been using

    now i do see regular starter equip (non-ez) in my inventory but don't remember buying it

    i think that we have 2 types of starter equip when we first start but can't see it in other's inventory (noobs)

    this isn't for me but for advice for new players to get away from the ez swing equip, if not anything
    at least get rid of the ez swing putter, may as well be a tree branch

    but i can't really recommend that if they have to purchase the basic starter equip (i don't think we do)

  • oldcollectorcoin
    46 Posts
    Thu, Jul 7 2011 3:59 AM

    i just checked and cannot sell the starter equp (non-ez) so i couldn't have purchased it.

    still when i check noobs inventory to show them how to get away from that psychotic ez starter equip, i cannot because it doesn't show they have any other equip???

    there are many people out there using that starter ez swing putter, and we will lose many people because they think it represents what the game is like.

    so please help me help others and always check people's inventory to at least show them they have free options.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Jul 7 2011 4:57 AM

    I don't think you can see what others have in their bags outside of what's showing. Your best bet is to clue them about the arrows that let them scroll through what they have. Starters have always been free and everybody gets them automatically. There used to be Beginners and Starters but then they came out with that EZ Swing and the beginners went away.

    I seem to recall something about the Starters being available after you've played a round as a brand new player so that may explain why you didn't see them and now you do.

  • oldcollectorcoin
    46 Posts
    Thu, Jul 7 2011 5:02 AM

    thank you for the response,


    i did finally see that


    now i am on my mission to help a lot of nooobs

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Jul 7 2011 5:10 AM

    now i am on my mission to help a lot of nooobs

    This is what makes this game fun for me-passing it along. LOL-can't tell you how many "noobs" own me now but it's fun watching their success.  ;-)

  • oldcollectorcoin
    46 Posts
    Thu, Jul 7 2011 6:39 AM


    i think it would be nice for there to be a video that would be "required" to watch that would explain some basic things like club selection, the fact that purchased balls have a life of about 3 strikes, etc so we know what to be prepared for, especially the rank up thing. that is total BS how right after we purchase some clubs if we get ranked up the next day those clubs won't be good enough from the new tee position and we could have waited to purchase diff clubs if we knew we were close to ranking up. at least some notification, you are going to rank up soon would be nice.

    or have a volunteer list of "pros" that would agree to tutor for a few days, week, whatever to explain some basic things about the game and make new player's intro much smoother

    i know there are a few things i would do differently, but i am not making a new account unless they ban this one for some strange reason no matter how much i agree or disagree with the way the game operates

    remember the point of this post is about making a better experience for new players