The Apparel gear ideally needs to be mixed & matched for which game your playing.
1)The CLASH games you want the 'Apparel attributes', but don't need the Sponsorship, but it can mess up other stuff like 'Rough Surface Power' (for the SE EPIC stuff).
2) The Turf Wars, needs coins so the 'TOPGOLF EPIC GLOVE' can be way more beneficial than the 'SE EPIC GLOVE'. Both with slower driver meters & iron sweetspot. But the TOPGOLF HAS a coin percentages advantage. Again no Sponsorship loyalties needed.
3) The 6 hourly Apparel games, is the 'fodder' for loading & building up the Apparel & coins stock.
Apparel 'looks' can be permanent with the 2 TABS available - 1 has to be bought tho.
Ideally 3 TABS needs to be available to switch APPAREL quickly to tweek any advantages out.
1900 fills each BOX. That's 750 times you will upgrade your Apparel Boxes to fill all the COMMON, RARE & EPIC. EG; - an SE EPIC at L8 is ONLY 21.05% full (400). With 500 more to fill L9, and 1000 more to fill L10.
I've 600 Apparel attire upgrades done of the 750. So 80%-ish in total full. Gone round COMMON fills about 5 times.