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Video Hangs up during swing

rated by 0 users
Mon, Jul 11 2011 12:18 AM (6 replies)
  • packerman660
    1 Posts
    Sun, Jul 10 2011 1:28 PM

    Dear WGT,

    I just became a memeber 2 days ago.....your graphics on the courses listed are AWESOME! If you could incorporate an actual breeze feeling (i'm kidding of course) or sound to the virtual player it would actually feel like you were there. 

     Anyway, one the thing that needs to be changed is that the pin flags don't fly even with a 13 mph Lt to Rt wind or even flutter with an 8 mph wind. Minor, I know but it would enhance the visual realism already present in the game.

    The 2nd thing is that sometimes during my swing, after I have set my desired strength, and as the power bar is moving toward the "Hit" zone.....the green bar will freeze, yet it is still moving, because all of a sudden it will jump to the end of the bar and I get a 30 yd shot.  It also freezes sometimes, just for a second when as my T-Shot is about to land or my approach shot is about to land and the camera is trying to change views. It is aggravating to say the least. 

    Suggestion:  Leave the Camera view as it is on all shots until "After" the ball lands and is rolling, then switch views.

    I have as 24" Westighouse Gaming HD Flat screen Monitor and a 1yr old HP PC with 8GB Ram and a 4GB Intel Processor.  So I don't think its my system.  I can play MS Flight Sim X for hours without my monitor freezing at all....ever.

    Great Game Guys....just needs a few tweaks.


    Mike Asher

    Packerman 660



  • TheLighterDark
    1,404 Posts
    Sun, Jul 10 2011 6:36 PM

    1. The only real things that are animated in this game are the player and the ball, and there's really not much more to it. The odds of you seeing any other major animations (like trees moving, flags waving, water moving, etc.) are slim to none, mainly due to the fact that the game is made via HD pictures. 

    2. A little WGT knowledge for you here... The "hit" zone is commonly referred to on here as the "ding," because of the sound it makes when you actually hit it. As for the jumpiness of the meter, it's not just you, and it's not due to your system. I've said this before, and I'll continue to say it: This game is running off of Adobe Flash Player, which is not meant to handle games of this magnitude. Until they upgrade to a more powerful program (which, let's face it... will NEVER happen), you're stuck with the jumpiness. As for now, try to play at times where the jumpiness will be limited (US night, after updates, in the mornings, etc.) in order to reduce to possibility that jumpiness will occur. 

    3. As for the camera freezing up... It's the same case as I said above, except it is occurring during your shot, instead of while you're trying to hit the ball.


  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sun, Jul 10 2011 8:36 PM

    The odds of you seeing any other major animations (like trees moving, flags waving, water moving, etc.) are slim to none, mainly due to the fact that the game is made via HD pictures. 

    Hey TLD, scroll down on the first tab of the game options.  Water movement (ripples) and full flag animation.  But recommend keeping them turned off for better loading and  meter performance.  The flags really do whip on high winds at SA though.

  • VegasWhiteBoy
    27 Posts
    Sun, Jul 10 2011 8:49 PM



  • andypat
    453 Posts
    Sun, Jul 10 2011 9:01 PM



    Im asking my Fellow WGT members for HELP,

    What im asking for is if 1 person has the kindness to help me out by please gifting me the lvl 88 R11 driver, i would greatly appreciate as i cannot afford this on my own, so if you see it in your heart to help a fellow player please do,  ty

    Unti you reach  lvl 88 you will not be able to get R11 so no point in asking


  • gsoup
    2,929 Posts
    Sun, Jul 10 2011 11:23 PM

    hell, if thats all you have to do, i want one as well

    but ive got 30,00 points to 87

    ty in advance


  • FuzzyBallz
    179 Posts
    Mon, Jul 11 2011 12:18 AM

    Something I did to help the meter issue was to turn the settings for display and audio off or down to lowest settings. It did help with the meter issue then I started turning things on or up 1 at a time.

    In game setting options I set these to low or off runs much cleaner now.


    Flash = Low

    WGT Lesson Button = Off

    Reflections = Off

    Hole Info Display = Off

    Ball Trails = Off


    Mute Game = Sound Off

    Club Audio = Off

    Music Volume = Off

    Invitation Alert = Off

    Running a pair of 2.8 gig processor

    1 gig graphics crad

    8 gig of RAM

    The flash in the web browser seems to be the issue, similar to downloading a 6 gig movie, streaming music, 4 or 5 tabs open, while trying to play a game something is going to give a little to make room.


    to VegasWhiteBoy you already have Pro Shop gears, your request seems a bit off topic.

    Might try under Topics for "Pan Handlers Corner".