Opened to all Pros and Masters only from the North American Continent.
30 Pros and Master from North America compete for the top 15 slots for the 2010 North American Pros and Masters Championship January 7 - January 10, 2010 in a Weekly 4 round Full 18 individual stroke play on Kiwah Island .
15 Pros and 15 Masters.
After each Round the leader will be rewarded Tour Points to enter the 2010 North American Pros and Masters Championship.
To enter you must have a total of at least 2385 Tour Points after all 4 rounds. If the player in fifthtenth place is less than 100 points away he or she will enter.
The Following Credits with Rank
1st place: 3000
2nd place: 2500
3rd place: 2050
4th place: 1950
5th place: 1700
6th place: 1500
7th place: 1350
8th place: 1150
9th place: 1090
10th place: 1060
11th place: 1040
12th place: 1010
13th place: 1005
14th place: 995
15th place: 970
16th place: 965
17th place: 955
18th place: 940
19th place: 930
20th place: 925
21th place: 910
22th place: 905
23rd place: 890
24th place: 885
25th place: 875
26th place: 860
27th place: 855
28th place: 840
29th place: 835
30th place: 830
Location: The North American Pros and Masters Tour presented by Lincoln Financial is going to be held at Kiawah Island from November 12 - November 30 in a 4 weekly 18 hole Single Play Tournament in the Tournament Stroke play.
Rules: There are no pairs. All players will play individually. Each player plays 18 holes at Kiawah Island. There is no tee off time. Players must keep track off score and post your score for that day on the thread. I will check regualry so be honest, I will check each and every profile to make sure your score is accurate. Once you begin the game you cannot start over or you'll forfiet the Championship. If your internet closes you out just send me a message telling me what happened and you'll be fine. ONLY IF YOUR INTERNET CLOSES OUT ON YOU DURING GAME.
Acceptions: If you want to play but your sceduale will not work with the paired time. Just send me an message and I will see what I can do. ONLY IF YOUR SCEDUALE WILL NOT WORK WITH THE SET PAIRED TIME.
Score Posting: After each round post your score, don't worry about averageing it out I will do all of that. To make it easier for me go by this example
Round 1 Score E Par Shot Score 70. The Shot Score is so I can make sure your score you post is whats on your profile.
The Cut: There is no cut.
Registration: All 30 spots for the tour are filled.
Good Luck To All: To all players I wish you all the time of your life. Have fun competing in the North American Pros and Masters Tour presented by Lincoln Financial.
30 of the 30 Spots for the Tour is Filled. To Sign Up post your Tier and Average on the Tournament Thread. Registration Ends November 1st.
15 out of the 15 Pros spots are filled
15 out of the 15 Masters spots are filled
Registered Pros
1) ThunderBoltz 74
2) pinkgirl34 71.41
3) LarryJA 70.6
5) rmau86 73.87
6) goodhands 72.56
7) Richard4168 74.20
8) tbor1 72.69
9) TrevorTurner 72.95
10) snakester 72.62
11) garyk49 71.67
12) sevemiller 68.75
13) Bahamas1 71.97
14) Psalms139 69.97
15) ace2putt 77.18
Registered Masters
1) mattgolffan1 65.85
2) HigherThanYaAll 67.84
3) JDB42 63.3
4) mmartin5 71.09
5) Als6437 70.07
6) boblarsen 74
7) Kolbat46 72.89
8) JonnyBau 59.75
9) badaboom 66.67
10) drivnchaos 65.39
11) MikeNJ 67.9
12) KWFegan 68
13) Jimbo652sssssss 66.13
14) Blackwood 66.56
15) vagbighack 69.5