I asked Casey to be my partner because my partner dropped out. When the vast majority of our Country Club signed up, it was when this thing was supposed to be a team event against other country clubs. We knew we would have some weak teams, but we figured so would the other clubs. It sounded like fun. As time went by, the tournament turned into a free for all, with anybody who wanted to play being able to play. I'm not sure if you even have to be in the same club to be a team. That altered the dynamics of the tournament drastically, and interest among some members of our club dropped. My partner wanted out, and I asked Casey to sub for him. I don't remember seeing anything in the rules to prohibit it, but to be honest, the rules changed so frequently that I might have missed that one. I suppose we should have just dropped out entirely when we saw it was no longer what we signed up for. We certainly aren't trying to cheat anybody out of anything. Once the grid was made, I felt an obligation to play. I no longer feel obligated to play. I am sorry our opponents will have to accept a concession. If sometime in the future an actual club vs. club Alternate Shot tourney is put together, I'll be there looking to play. If another Alternate Shot Open Tournament is put together, I'm sure that with enough advance warning, our club could put together some very competitive teams. I'll be a spectator for that one of course. : )