Every site has the ability to remove your credit card information so WGT should as well. Something to think about for future updates or something.
They all have the ability to take your credit card details away, but most of them DON'T want to do It. I was amazed myself when i tried to delete my credit card from the SKY POKER site. I had to send them an e-mail and even then they were making excuses to say that the banking systems security wont let them remove my credits card details. Its all a big excuse. They're quick enough to take your details & money but they dont want to delete your cards just in case you never come back and deposit funds, I've seen to many PHANTOM WITHDRAWALS from these companies to trust ANYONE. These companies (not saying WGT is as bad) are just legal robbery, dont get me started on the electricity or gas companies.LOL, When they OWE you money, do you get it back from them, do you f@#?, they want to give you credit on your next bill a bill which no one understands so the credits you are meant to have dont add up to 5hit because they will just say you used more gas/electric any way.