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Wed, Aug 21 2019 3:30 PM (63 replies)
  • Stiglitz86
    5 Posts
    Tue, Jan 15 2019 5:47 AM

    Hey Guys,


    Came across your CC while looking for a club to join, all the previous clubs had members that hardly ever played and no CC tourny`s.

    Please accept my request to join....



  • Next260
    2,207 Posts
    Tue, Jan 22 2019 7:46 PM


     Come check us out   

    Bump for a great club

  • Next260
    2,207 Posts
    Fri, Jan 25 2019 8:01 PM

    BUMP !!!

  • Next260
    2,207 Posts
    Tue, Jan 29 2019 3:29 PM

    Up to the top

  • Cas57
    3,044 Posts
    Thu, Jan 31 2019 7:11 PM

    do many of your members participate in the Clashes?  I personally kind of enjoy them but would like a club where other members feel the same.

  • JimQ916
    9,914 Posts
    Sun, Feb 3 2019 2:28 PM

    Hi ev1.....come join us in the Valley of the Sun CC. We're an active CC and have many CC tournaments (usually over 20) running at all times....we vary all courses, tee's,wind and green speed around so they don't become "stale". We also have a Club Blitz running all the time, and an in club "Clash" scoring tournament. We're working on a Match Play torny and that will be up and running soon. We also have a bunch of tournaments set up by some of our members. We're a no muss / no fuss club, stress free club where you'll enjoy playing WGT a whole lot more. There's nothing that is going to be asked of you other than be active in the CC (play some CC tournaments every month). We're active in the Clash, and usually have over 30 of us playing them, but it's not required that you play iif you choose not to, but if you never have, you're missing out on a great format. Come give us a look'll be very happy you did.....Jim (Tournament Director).

    Cas, we are active in the most Clashes we have over 30 (closer to 35) members who play and contribute. That's a big number considering we're a some what small CC (81 members right now) and we don't "require" anyone to play's purely voluntary. Come on over and help us out in it....all points are good points.

  • Next260
    2,207 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2019 4:52 PM

    Bump for a great club .

    Check us out !!!!!!

  • Next260
    2,207 Posts
    Sat, Feb 16 2019 4:01 AM

    Hi ev1.....come join us in the Valley of the Sun CC. We're an active CC and have many CC tournaments (usually over 20) running at all times....we vary all courses, tee's,wind and green speed around so they don't become "stale". We also have a Club Blitz running all the time, and an in club "Clash" scoring tournament. We're working on a Match Play torny and that will be up and running soon. We also have a bunch of tournaments set up by some of our members. We're a no muss / no fuss club, stress free club where you'll enjoy playing WGT a whole lot more. There's nothing that is going to be asked of you other than be active in the CC (play some CC tournaments every month). We're active in the Clash, and usually have over 30 of us playing them, but it's not required that you play iif you choose not to, but if you never have, you're missing out on a great format. Come give us a look'll be very happy you did.....Jim (Tournament Director).

    Also organizing a Skins series.

    Come check us out.

  • GARYC147
    147 Posts
    Sat, Feb 16 2019 10:54 AM

    Your club looks interesting but I have a couple of questions:

    Do any of your free stroke play tournaments have a payout?

    What is the most common payout structure, 1, 3, or 10 places?

    If I log on and a clash is underway and super passes are available, am I allowed to use them?

    I left The Georgian for another club and did not get any details first.  I do not want to jump from club to club.


  • GARYC147
    147 Posts
    Sun, Feb 17 2019 6:38 AM

    Do any of your free tournaments have a payout?