The tips definitely help. Your spamming the forums by posting everywhere that they don't help, won't change it.
For example, whenever I close the original browser window from which I launched the game pop-up window, my shot meter instantly becomes smoother. The same goes for closing all unnecessary applications running on the computer.
You see, one of the things I get paid for is tech support. One of the most common experiences all tech support personnel is familiar with is that users rant & rave, fuss & fume, instead of following a set of simple hints on how to alleviate their issue. Oh, they'll say that they tried "everything you suggested to me", but in fact they didn't. They vent their frustration instead, blaming everyone except oneself. And then, when you go over the check-list with them, verifying every recommended item one by one, you usually find out they skipped over a vital point or two.