who drew lines thru this if not nivlac ,that's wrong I pull out my wedge without the black dot , the took away, hes right why go over 150 foot roll with breaks and slopes and color changes when you can air express your ball within 5 feet of hole , check my arcvive videos I kept a few to show some friends it can be done up to with in inches if you measure and ding together, this has been one helpful article and posting it on my profile , now the female avitar should be really playing from the ladys tees like in the pros what are wgt trying to say, there great players but not equal in strenght give them real scale and give them there boxes its fair. Im a big fan of lpga, but get the best woman in the world , put here against tiger from his boxes and what do you think is going to happen. and why the advantage in turns of torso, and men dont get upper body strength advantage. that where this game is fake. trying to make everyone happy , like you messed up Blitz. besides that this the best game in the world. LOVE IT!