The best player here in WGT .
my take at this point in time .
# 1 . its not hk , EDIT < EDIT : EDIT ? EDIT . no matter how hard or why that toot,s EDIT his horn . nothing pearsonal , EDIT .
my take is not about the player with the most friends . EDIT . or the list of posts with EDIT
Its not who has the low score , or the top tier , or the most credits , or best CC ,EDIT ,
The players that I have had the chance to not only know or game with including a mod or 2 come to mind as as best .
We also have to think about a few of the said " Best " that were here early and at the first . some of the players that gave up and some we lost over time !
Some of the new players in the forums still looking for the " signs " of who and why come to mind as the best player looking to keep something we all need .