Does the name Social Circle ring a bell? I did not live in town, but south of I-20 near there. We rarely get back that way, but if we do I will try to let you know. I also have relatives in the Conyers and Lithonia area!
Social Circle is a city not a town. I thought I would let you know, because you were so kind to point out that Phoenix is in Southwest USA, not South USA. Likely no one really cares, but I know how much of a stickler you are to get every word correct.
I am going back on "ignore".
I suggest you look up the definition of city and town. They are different - particularly related to size. Here is one definition - since you are too inept to find it:
The population of a city is between 100,000 and 300,000 people. Large town - a large town has a population of 20,000 to 100,000. Town - a town has a population of 1,000 to 20,000. Village - a village is a human settlement or community that is larger than a hamlet but smaller than a town.
You should also realize that I used the word in a different sense - but then you have none.
Social Circle is a town, period. I got the word correct - You however, failed again.
Better push that imaginary "Ignore" button quick - your memory is terrible. ............
BTW - you were too late in deleting/editing your post - I got it.