plumbology: not sure if I am still in but here is the score. nasty winds and greens this round. plumbology The Beat Ranch 31
not sure if I am still in but here is the score. nasty winds and greens this round.
Again you are in
You are playing here Fase 2 bis Mini-tourney
lucky 30 (-5) with eagle on the 9th hole :)
Bravo Carlo, for me 33!
Thanks. didn't know where to look
pierolitfiba: plumbology: not sure if I am still in but here is the score. nasty winds and greens this round. plumbology The Beat Ranch 31 Again you are in You are playing here Fase 2 bis Mini-tourney bye Carlo
Wk 7 4 9-hole Single Play
31 for me Carlo, i am glad