once you pull the flag and take your can continuosly remove and replace it while the ball is in motion...i find that very strange
as far as success...i've drained quite a few chips with the pin pulled knowing that if it was still in i'd probably clank it and veer off
The success you're referring to... was that here, in the game, or out on the actual (real) course? For the record, I've still not managed to keep the pin pulled... hmmmm... just had a thought... I, most often shoot from the "reverse" view... I should try it from the "normal" view... might make a difference... ???
I've noticed that someone reported this as a "bug" in the Bug Thread, and WGT is checking into it... I didn't think of it as such, at the time I started this thread... thought I'd more likely been doing something wrong, but wondered if there was any benefit in the new flag-out "capability".