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Welcome to Wolf Creek and Tour Champion! And Introducing...

Sat, Sep 5 2020 5:30 AM (165 replies)
  • Tony5587
    80 Posts
    Thu, Dec 20 2018 9:16 AM

    Love the new course, thanks WGT

  • Robert1893
    7,710 Posts
    Thu, Dec 20 2018 9:32 AM


    The average scores of the Tour Champions have been reset .

    Can WGT confirm that there will be a saturation point for the average score and indicate how many ranked rounds will be necessary to reach this saturation


    WGT will never confirm. We'll just have to wait to see what happens.

    I'm sure there are a lot of players at the new tier who will track the number of rounds they have at the new tier. Eventually, someone will post a message regarding when they saturated (if there is a saturation point).


  • kavvz
    2,195 Posts
    Thu, Dec 20 2018 9:32 AM


    I'll give it a couple of weeks and we'll have people moaning they can't compete at TC tier. Wgt haven't listened to any suggestions regarding promotion to this tier. We'll end up with another tier that's higher. Elite & Tour Elite will be here in a years time and it will happen all over again.

    +1 Thats the normal pattern as usual . If they would have taken the top 200 - 250 money earners that would have done it . At least those players would have earned it which is the way it should be . For now its the same old thing and the same players and another hoop to jump through .

    I can think of 1 player in particular who is going to win every single monthly tier open and every single VT event as a Champion in 2019 -- all b/c its avg. and ranked rounds.  Assuming this player plays them of course.  

  • Martino991
    15 Posts
    Thu, Dec 20 2018 9:43 AM

    I really agree with loveclose's last line. It's a fantastic course and challenge, especially from the harder tees. The risk and reward element is spot on. With the scale of the ups and downs it's like playing on a rollercoaster - a bit like my first few practice rounds of several lost balls and birdies.  :)

  • grossstadtkerl
    283 Posts
    Thu, Dec 20 2018 9:50 AM


    Hello Wolfgang,

    looks like you need an average of 55 to level up to tour champion 

    Hello Igor,

    I agree, 55 or lower should be the average needed to level up.

    Now I have to figure out how many ranked rounds at champions tier are needed in addition to the average. Maybe 200, maybe more than 200.

    Cheers, Wolfgang

  • el3n1
    4,502 Posts
    Thu, Dec 20 2018 9:57 AM

    So what are the true normal winds for that course and land region ? Because every round Ive played the winds reflect St. Andys or CB to name a few . Or in my old age am I just getting forget and looking for a tin foil hat ? No wise cracks needed :-) 

    I can't say exactly, but I did watch part or most of the video that was shared in one of the other threads on Wolf Creek with Natalie Gulbis and Jimmy Hanlin… and the wind was blowing their hats off literally!! 

  • DoctorLarry
    4,301 Posts
    Thu, Dec 20 2018 10:57 AM


    New course so new bugs and issues to be worked out.  I had to stop trying to play Wolf till the bugs are worked out.  Crazy but I lost 4 balls trying to finish a round.  Lost a couple in earlier rounds. It’s Laggy, and disconnects, just buggy.   Nice course hope it gets fine tuned. But 4 balls lost in one round is not fun guys.  Please fix it...  maybe give everyone a sleeve or two until it’s playing correctly.  Not right to lose so many hits and so many balls playing the way it is. 

    It's not the course.  It was all the people trying to play the new course that overloaded the servers, apparently causing a lot of disconnects.


    I decided to not even play much yesterday since I expected this to happen.  When things calm down it should be fine.

  • DoctorLarry
    4,301 Posts
    Thu, Dec 20 2018 11:00 AM


    with the new tier opened up and the champion tier being cleared out, I might start looking at playing some tournaments. Now, I might have half a chance. :-) 

    Never thought about that!  You could be onto something.  :-)

    A silver lining in every cloud!!

  • DoctorLarry
    4,301 Posts
    Thu, Dec 20 2018 11:11 AM



    Looks to me by the way this game has been completely unstable/unusable today (including the main WGT website), this was pushed out WAY prematurely!

    I have been "connection to server lost" on this Wolf Creek course no less than 7 times today, I have been in stroke games on other courses all day long today and IF you make it to the 9th hole you're damned lucky.  People are getting frustrated.


    Yesterday was a huge hit on WGT servers and you know what happens when that occurs.  I did not even attempt more than a few 1-hole plays yesterday, because I expected this.

    It was not a problem with the course, but all the people that have been waiting (some for years) for a new course getting on at once and overloading servers.

    I know it was frustrating, but I expect things will calm down very soon when the novelty has worn off.  

  • DoctorLarry
    4,301 Posts
    Thu, Dec 20 2018 11:14 AM


    Could I ask the mods a quick question. I have been a member and regular player on WGT since October 2016 and listed as having 145 posts, so why can I not post in the forums and have to wait sometimes days until I have my post checked by a mod? It does make joining in a discussion difficult and discouraging about joining in.

    Leave a wall post for one of the mods nicely asking to be taken off moderation.  It worked for me.