Try investing in more servers!
Thanks for the up date … golf is a game of patience , I will wait until things go well. GL on the fix. Frapp
All fixed here .
I have been trying since 11am morning to play wolf creek or any other course and lost connection after the 3rd hole, 5th hole, 2nd hole, etc..that's alot of hits on the balls.
Is Wgt going to do anything about that???
opyeuclid: All fixed here . OPY
So you finally got your burgers and beer?
Do I get my coins back that I lost when the servers, twice went down? Sure, take my money for clubs and then steal my coins as worries, but it is annoying. Hope you get things sorted out.
what is WGT going to do about the yellows now? these disconnects were all your problems not ours!
I'm confused Twedy. Why do you keep playing this game?
I'm confused as well. What are the yellows?