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Wind Varianle

Fri, Jan 4 2019 3:42 PM (13 replies)
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  • Cicero733
    2,318 Posts
    Tue, Jan 1 2019 2:20 PM

    Has anyone else notice a significant change in the wind variable, like maybe it’s off from what is indicated? I have had some issues over the past two weeks and so have my opponents. As I just had another instance and the suggestion was made for me to question the forums, I thought I would try. A Best of Bandon, par 3 format, H2H, mobile app. Par 3, 189 yds, 25 mph headwinds. I hit full 5 iron, maximum rated distance of 200 yds. My ball travels 205 yds. My opponent hits full 4 iron, maximum rated distance 214 yds. He ends up 15 yards short of target. Recently I had a instance where I adjusted for a right to left 28 mph wind and my ball went straight 20 yds beyond the green. My opponent asks if I noticed the wind changed and I advised that I didn’t. He plays as if it’s a tail wind. His shot goes 20 yds to the left. Has the wind become variable as in the real world or is this just an “anomaly”?

  • fireman33
    2,692 Posts
    Wed, Jan 2 2019 8:45 AM

    I have noticed some strange changes after the creation of Wolf Creek. I have had balls go into the wind and far as they were to go with it. Don't trust the dots on the green either

  • nammvett
    123 Posts
    Wed, Jan 2 2019 8:56 AM

    fireman33 wrote the following post at 01-02-2019 8:45 AM:

    I have noticed some strange changes after the creation of Wolf Creek. I have had balls go into the wind and far as they were to go with it. Don't trust the dots on the green either

        I don't trust any info that is presented by's all a lie.  Wind lies...dots distances lie...etc.   Just ignore the lies and keep buying balls,  that's all that matters to wgt anyway.

  • DoctorLarry
    4,322 Posts
    Wed, Jan 2 2019 7:31 PM

    Occasionaly the ball does not react to the wind the way you think it would, but sometimes it is a function of a particular hole and/or a particular course.  You just need to keep track of these if it happens often.  IMO, most of the time, the wind effect remains predictable.  Note that the wind on ocean course often yields different effects than inland courses.

    There is variability of shots in WGT - which is more pronounced with lower-level balls or equipment.  Other than that, most bad shots are user error which may just be due to lack of experience.

  • DoctorLarry
    4,322 Posts
    Wed, Jan 2 2019 7:35 PM

    I hit full 5 iron, maximum rated distance of 200 yds. My ball travels 205 yds. My opponent hits full 4 iron, maximum rated distance 214 yds. He ends up 15 yards short of target.

    Were you both hitting from the same tee?  Also, different club sets and different balls produce different results.

  • mrmp1
    578 Posts
    Wed, Jan 2 2019 8:11 PM

    all i can say is everything i learned playing this game when WGT owned it went out the window when TOP GOLF took over we are at their mercy now

  • Cicero733
    2,318 Posts
    Wed, Jan 2 2019 8:26 PM

    Yes we were both hitting from the same tee and were both hitting branded balls, Titleist for me, Callie for my opponent. Club sets were comparable, Max for him, Hogan for me. It happened again today at Chambers Bay. On the tee we had a right to left 18 mph cross wind. Both of us hit to the right and both balls followed a straight trajectory to the right. On our approach shots, we didn’t adjust for the wind to see what would happen. My ball went straight, his ball went left of the green. My opponent offered to me that I should keep in mind that this is a game and stuff like this will happen. I’m just trying to determine if this a one off type of situation as he suggests or whether it is a variable that needs to be considered when playing a shot.

    It just seems strange that when you tee off, one player adjusts for the wind, the ball trajectory curves, and lands in the fairway and the second player makes a similar adjustment, the ball goes straight, and lands in the scrub, spinach or whatever. I know this in most cases is probably the result of a miss-hit shot, but in the cases I am describing I am fairly certain the different results are not the product of a miss-hit as both of us conducted a dialog to discuss/question what happen and compared notes.

  • santa084
    114 Posts
    Thu, Jan 3 2019 3:22 AM

    I was paying wolf with 7-9 winds towards me & 2 the right. my tee shot only went 250yrds, in the desert. now I eat 7-9 winds 4 breakfast.  couple holes later I believe hole 16.  I had winds 15-17 directly at me my ball went 280 with no roll.  (Because no desert?) strange. PS, I ding both shots

  • dtbrown757
    4 Posts
    Thu, Jan 3 2019 11:12 AM

    I have noticed a significant change in wind speed for 2019. Just alone, the Pebble Beach course is now doubled the wind speeds and it is damn near impossible to play anymore. Used to enjoy the challenge of a 10 to 20 mile an hour wind speed. Now it is from 20 to plus 30??? My level has not changed, but the WGT games sure have. Very frustrating. Think I will retire from WGT. Nice going game creators...........

  • TopShelf2010
    10,975 Posts
    Thu, Jan 3 2019 1:26 PM


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