This game would be even better if you knew who had paid balls and who was a cheap skate before teams where picked.
there is without a doubt a big difference in fee balls and paid balls, don't tell me otherwise because the game is set up that way, buy balls play better. it makes a Huge difference when on the fast greens. in my opinion a tour pro with fee balls has no business playing ALT shot and here's why, you are a TEAM and the goal is to win right? its my goal I am competitive and like to win, I am also a good loser where I don't complain about a loss, if you show up to an ALT with poop balls its a TEAM disadvantage.
if you had the choice you would always pic the player with the lowest average and quality of equipment. its no different then going to a TEAM VS another TEAM shoot out but my guy he has a knife and I have a shotgun
,statistically speaking the TEAM with the free balls loses most of the time, SO WHY GO AND PLAY ALT SHOT WITH A KNIFE AT A GUN FIGHT??? , STOP JUST STOP. The excuses .. ''oh but i don't buy balls i have no money'' OH ok well I am not going to carry your cheap butt all game BTW. I also cant afford balls but I buy them anyway as to not put OUR team at a disadvantage.