Usually punch from that distance but
Don is right - where a steep elevation comes in to play (a trap e.t.c.) I
would choose the flop over the punch, it's about 10 feet left at full
whack, the 20 yard flop is 7 feet left at full whack (before wind).
This reminds me to do a bit of housekeeping, it might be more
effective to choose 1 shot over another but it's more enjoyable if you
are so proficient at all of them that you can just take your pick and I
think that model of mine of the 29 yard flop needs revisiting......
For you Deena for comparison to what you have. :)
FBS with your 50yd wedge...
C16 = Yards to pin
Yards to pin = stated yardage - (down elevation/2) + (up elevation/2.3)
D16 = wedge yardage (50 yard club)