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My Tournaments

Sun, Sep 22 2013 1:43 AM (20 replies)
  • labordayk
    389 Posts
    Mon, May 7 2012 9:36 AM


    A My Tournaments page where i can go to see all the tournaments i have entered in the one place.

    I've been meaning to post the exact same thing for weeks now.  Same name, too.

    It should not only have the tourneys you've entered, but also ones you've marked to "watch" that you might not want to immediately enter, like RGs.

    I think where the "WGT Recommends" box is on the opening page of the game client would be a good spot for this.  They could make that space with Tabs, one with the "WGT Recommends", the other with "My Tournaments".

    Grape minds think alike, manabouttown!

  • ChipNSink
    427 Posts
    Mon, May 7 2012 10:25 AM

    Maybe even have the scorecard statistics linked to it as well?

  • MaSeVierBal
    157 Posts
    Mon, May 14 2012 4:59 AM

    I like this idea!

    It's a PITA to scroll through a bunch of tourneys I haven't entered, or don't want to, to find the ones I have!.  What you can have is a list of tournaments you have entered, and then based on that history, a list of tournaments to enter.  So, if you play the Monthly Kiawah Open, or Wolf Creek CTTH tournaments often, future ones would appear on your recommended list.

    Even a way to "flag" certain tourneys as you favourites, so that you are notified when they are open for entries, would be great!



  • Spacklero
    386 Posts
    Mon, May 14 2012 11:44 AM

    big +1

  • manabouttown11
    573 Posts
    Thu, May 31 2012 6:31 PM


  • labordayk
    389 Posts
    Mon, Jul 9 2012 11:27 AM



    A My Tournaments page where i can go to see all the tournaments i have entered in the one place.

    I've been meaning to post the exact same thing for weeks now.  Same name, too.

    It should not only have the tourneys you've entered, but also ones you've marked to "watch" that you might not want to immediately enter, like RGs.

    I think where the "WGT Recommends" box is on the opening page of the game client would be a good spot for this.  They could make that space with Tabs, one with the "WGT Recommends", the other with "My Tournaments".

    Do tha Bump.

    I'll add that the addition of tabs for Free and Premium tourneys to the Stroke and CC Tournament menus, tabs for 50-200 CR and 300-2000 CR to the RG menu, etc. would improve navigation.

    But the main thing is a My Tournaments.


  • aSliceofMe
    3 Posts
    Tue, Sep 3 2013 5:21 AM

    Have this very nice suggestion been dropped, or have it put into release plan?

    Need a tool to keep track of my ongoing Tournaments, specially multi-round.

    Could WGT answer this?


    Thanks in advance


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Wed, Sep 4 2013 1:40 AM

    You should get mails reminding you to play the tournaments instead (I did, but it stopped 10 months ago).

    If not, you might complain to WGT (I did to no avail but I learned something about un-trustworthiness).

    You might try to set up a different mail address for your account. (I did, and it helped for a week only)

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, Sep 4 2013 2:07 AM


    You should get mails reminding you to play the tournaments instead (I did, but it stopped 10 months ago).

    If not, you might complain to WGT (I did to no avail but I learned something about un-trustworthiness).

    You might try to set up a different mail address for your account. (I did, and it helped for a week only)

    I followed up on your advice by changing e-mail accounts and it's working fine. I even get told when people join and leave my club.

  • aSliceofMe
    3 Posts
    Wed, Sep 4 2013 3:33 AM

    Email is good for direct matters, but it is not fulfilling the need of a "My tournaments" section. 

    I dont know about you guys, but I get things in order by having it in a calendar or in a "To do" list. Emails tend to disappear in the ocean called "Inbox".

    "My tournaments" could be this "To do" list.