After playing a couple weeks, I'll add my 2 cents worth for how I play.
Winds under 10mph I totally ignore. Over 10mph I generally divide by 2 and add/subtract to my distance. For crosswinds over 10 I hit a bit early or late to compensate rather than move the marker.
For uphill shots I divide the amount of feet high to hole by half and add that to the yards needed. So 130yrds to hole 10 feet up I view as 135yrds and then figure wind as above. Now sometimes this falls short. Why? Because though the hole is only 10 feet higher than you, the edge of the green may be higher than that and cause you to fall short.....and a downhill slope where your ball lands may cause it to roll too far even with back spin.
If I put full back spin on ball I just shave 5 yards off distance if hitting over 100 yards.
Is it perfect? No. Does it work out close enough? Most of the time. Have a hole that constantly falls short? Make note of that holes special circumstances and adjust accordingly next time.
Also note this is using the starter gear you get when first sign up.