Welcome, and thanks for playing WGT. Here in the forum, you can chat with other players, get game tips, report bugs, and make product suggestions. Our community of players are very helpful, so feel free to ask questions if you are new here. We hope you are enjoying the game!
WGT Team
Let's fix this statement.
Welcome, and thanks for playing WGT. Here in the forum, you can belittle and bash other players whose opinion differs from yours. Whine about the same thing over and over and over (like we give a ****).
Get game tips, but not from the very elite top players.
Report bugs, but you'll just be wasting your time because we will do one of three things:
1. We will ignore your posts completely
2. We will tell you we know about it and are working on it (hehehe)
3. We will correct that bug, but create 5 more to replace it (the internet gaming eco-system has to stay active and alive).
And, make product suggestions, which we will completely ignore (unless you want yellow Callaway balls).
Our community of players are divided into 2 categories:
1. The constant complaining whiners.
2. The very opinionated, so feel free to ask questions or, be brave and call it like you see it, if you have the nads to take it on the chin (we have a TON of brown-nosing butt-kissing members who have no clue how to play, but can work a keyboard like Liberace worked the ivories.
We hope you are enjoying the game and remember, once you think you've got it under control, you're in for a big surprise!!!
We Got This (and you don't)