mrmp1: Yes Scott all black with wgt music after hitting play button
Thanks Mel.
Sounds like the game is in fullscreen mode at too big a resolution. Do you run a multi-monitor set up?
One option is to edit the registry key which switches fullscreen mode on and off.
1). Shut the game down if it is running.
2). Create a restore point.
3). If you are happy to edit the registry manually, then open up your registry editor, navigate your way here...
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\WGT\WGT Golf\Screenmanager Is Fullscreen mode_h3981298716
...and change the value of that key to 0
4.) If you not comfortable with editing the registry manually, download and run THIS file instead. It will do exactly the same thing as the manual edit. You will get a couple of security warnings after running the file, but OK those if you are happy to proceed.
5). Launch the game.