Thats the other problem.....some of you "techies" keep coming up with new names, excuses, questions, etc..... WHO CARES!??!!
BOTTOM LINE....AGAIN...WHATEVER NAME, CODE, PLATFORM, ETC, ETC. that you and others want to apply.......
We have been playing 1-OLD GAME...using the flash extension on the WGT website....
OLD GAME, again , regardless of name, code, etc. goes away....bye bye...adios...etc..12/31/2020.
NEW GAME.....EUA, ABC, ACDC, DWI, or better yet, DOA... again, I, and frankly MOST OF THE OTHER PLAYERS THAT HAVE BEEN PLAYING THIS GAME FOR YEARS (except of course, those, probably like you are more worried about the tech in WHY someone who is on the site for 6 months, 5 levels behind me, but is STILL at the same title level as me is winning all of the tournaments with 10-12 under...because they CHEAT)....
Give those of us who play this game for the fun and challenge because we LOVE GOLF a break, and stop the nonsense about EUA, etc....whatever it's called....
BOTTOM LINE can play the "New" game, regardless of what YOU call it.....because the "old game" using flash is done and gone..... it quits....and again, I am talking to the normal, AVERAGE, genuine and honest players with my previous post. The ones who have for years used tech bs to bypass the game and scam it, and all of the other genuine players who play it for fun...NOT to prove they can SCAM it.