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Fri, Jan 24 2025 11:54 AM (114 replies)
  • kdownunder
    1,463 Posts
    Mon, Dec 30 2019 12:53 AM

    Hi WGT

    So I just downloaded this new version.   It is like the mobile version except on my MAC laptop.   It is based on gambling ... it has none of the joys of playing this game on line over the last 8 years on this flashplayer platform.    A new platform has to absolutely replicate the traditions of this flashplayer based game that every fell in love with and got devoted to.   There are many many loyal players like me around.    We will lose all our friendships and the joy if you continue along this vein.  

    And at the moment, you are ruining this version of the game also because people are green on one platform but show up green on all platforms (mobile included).    Maybe us rusted on players only have 2020 to play before we leave.   I don't know.    

    But I sure hope you would appreciate us and our love of the game and our promotion of it to other people ...


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Dec 30 2019 2:21 AM

    new [...] replicate the traditions

    A contradiction in terms...


    Maybe us rusted players only have 2020 to play before we leave.

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Thu, Jan 2 2020 10:57 AM

     A new platform has to absolutely replicate the traditions of this flashplayer based game that every fell in love with and got devoted to.

    The new version PCEA is apart from a few tweaks the best your gonna get.

    **edit** as I stated Nik, this is the best they can do!

  • salamicus
    1,018 Posts
    Thu, Jan 2 2020 3:34 PM

    I think point of this subject is ...that it needs to replicate in a way for people to play "stroke, match, alt-shot" and have some fun in a way of golfing ,and chatting like they used to... Not to play short coin rooms games like on poker sites...Thats how I see it


  • Dave33200
    2,955 Posts
    Thu, Jan 2 2020 7:52 PM


    I think point of this subject is ...that it needs to replicate in a way for people to play "stroke, match, alt-shot" and have some fun in a way of golfing ,and chatting like they used to... Not to play short coin rooms games like on poker sites...Thats how I see it



    Hi Nik.


    Although they did add the coin rooms to the new format, you still can play stroke play, and in your club tournaments as well. WGT has also said they will be adding Alt Shot games sometime in 2020. 

    I hope they will add match play also. 





  • salamicus
    1,018 Posts
    Fri, Jan 3 2020 4:50 AM

    Thanks Dave for reply... I know that it is possible some sort of stroke play, which is also in a form "head-to head" , with 45 sec clock and with apparel . That is basically same "9 holes coin room" made to work with opponent of your choice

    Im thinking more of that "traditional" games where 3-4 players would play together


  • salamicus
    1,018 Posts
    Fri, Jan 3 2020 8:50 AM


    **edit** as I stated Nik, this is the best they can do!

    Can't say that I exactly understand what you stated there Andy, but I'm sure youre not overall satisfied how it turned out as WGT for Pc....But, in some of my "trying to see it from their perception" view... I think WGT made mobile game to go along with PC game which was already there.. So they made things that work best for mobile. Like when you trying to play something on your phone while waiting or traveling, you want some quick amusement for time to pass by... They didn't aim on mega realistic golf with uneven lies to make you throw your phone through the window :)

    Unfortunately, they presented that same game as replacement for PC game..But I still believe that is just starting point and that WGT is looking forward to change it into full PC game


  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Fri, Jan 3 2020 11:40 AM


    new [...] replicate the traditions

    A contradiction in terms...

    I don't think so. 

    What he said was  A new platform has to absolutely replicate the traditions of this flashplayer based game that every fell in love with and got devoted to.

    I see no reason why saying a game taken to a new platform should absolutely replicate the tradions of the earlier game is a contradiction.

    One of the traditions of the old game was that it made some sort of sense, if you get better clubs or balls your scores were likely to get lower.  In the new game this can also be achieved with a hat, clowns nose or whatever.  So the tradition of a semblance of golfing sense is gone and it's just a maths and timing game.  Maybe it always was but the dressing was nice.

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Fri, Jan 3 2020 11:54 AM

    One of the traditions of the old game was that it made some sort of sense, if you get better clubs or balls your scores were likely to get lower.  In the new game this can also be achieved with a hat, clowns nose or whatever.  So the tradition of a semblance of golfing sense is gone and it's just a maths and timing game.  Maybe it always was but the dressing was nice.


    Stat modifiers whether they are on the club, a putter,  a ball,  or on a hat or shoes are still mathematical stat modifiers. They all do the exact same thing. 

    the only difference is you've prejudged the form you find acceptable for it to appear in.

  • salamicus
    1,018 Posts
    Fri, Jan 3 2020 1:26 PM


    One of the traditions of the old game was that it made some sort of sense, if you get better clubs or balls your scores were likely to get lower.

    For me that was never any sense. It is a sense of "pay to win" game. Sensible would be "if u play long time and practice your score will go lower" while ball is being just a ball..and golf club only a club. In support of that take the newest game, one that is representing "pga tour" in last years.. There you have just a ball that doesnt give you any can loose it freely in water or wherever. And you have 2 types of can swing easier ones that are most likely to go always "on ding" (xcept there is no ding but other kind of swing) but you will have slightly shorter yardage...or you can swing ones that go further, but its harder to make them precisely on ding...So it is exactly opposite of wgt..If u want more ability ,you need to be better player. While here you are buying comfort of easier swing, and longer distance

    But in the end games are not comparable because that one is payed ...once when u buy it...And then all is presumably equal ,and you compete with people in terms of skill... While here you basically have to be able to pay all the time to keep your skill on competitive level

    This is off subject...but my view on that "sense" thing...
