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WGT is coming to Steam Early Access! *UPDATED*

Sat, Jul 9 2022 5:35 AM (113 replies)
  • SAS217
    8 Posts
    Sun, Feb 23 2020 7:36 PM


    Wouldn't be surprised if they charge for the game now -- which I'd be ok with assuming that new fancy stuff makes an appearance.  :)

    From the Store Page on Steam it states;

    TITLE: WGT Golf
    GENRE: Free to PlaySimulationSportsEarly Access

     "in the most realistic free golf game"


    I doubt they will charge for the game.

  • jacktrade51
    11,256 Posts
    Sun, Feb 23 2020 9:24 PM

    Champ, adding new complications right now is stupid.

    Try to figure out how to get through the end of this year making it easier, especially for players that might not be most computer literate.  Otherwise, WGT might lose tons of players.


  • Wutpa
    4,803 Posts
    Sun, Feb 23 2020 11:06 PM


    Champ, adding new complications right now is stupid.

    Try to figure out how to get through the end of this year making it easier, especially for players that might not be most computer literate.  Otherwise, WGT might lose tons of players.


    I have no doubt that they will lose a ton of players, you're right about that. But it wouldn't surprise me if they had that in mind when they decided to get added to Steam and the millions of gamers already there.


  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Mon, Feb 24 2020 12:58 AM


    Champ, adding new complications right now is stupid.

    Try to figure out how to get through the end of this year making it easier, especially for players that might not be most computer literate.  Otherwise, WGT might lose tons of players.


    I don't disagree with you but it's done and here in two weeks.

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Mon, Feb 24 2020 3:15 AM

    The other thing about steam is, you have to put $5 in to get the friends list going.

    One of my clubs members put it in and could not connect with me, because of it.

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Mon, Feb 24 2020 3:39 AM



    new fancy stuff

    Can you define "new fancy stuff" in this context for me?

    I was thinking that if the game is on Steam, they can very easily charge a fee for it and if they're going to charge a fee (not saying they are), that one would think the game would have something new and exciting offered that would entice players to pay for it -- beyond what we have and are used to now with the PCEA version. 

    I missed the ananswer in that, It was a golf game you needed golf clubs and balls.  You could add odd stuff if you wanted but it gave you no real advantage over those that didn't have it. Pay to "be better" will, I suspect, only work so far.

    So how much would a fee be to replace paying $55 for a driver, $47 for irons, $50 for a putter etc and then the regular $9 for balls (two sleeves a week = $936 a year)?  $60 a year was mentioned as what another game charges, maybe not quite enough?  Or are you meaning a fee and still buying equipment? 

    Back in 2015 someone (Fatdan I think) copied this article to a thread, this is part of it and the bold is mine.

    San Francisco-based WGT creates high-definition virtual sports simulations, with realistic imagery based on actual photographs that makes you feel like you’re really stuck in a sand trap at the St Andrews golf course in Scotland. WGT got its start on the Web and on Facebook, where it found a lot of golf fans who wanted to socialize with each other. They didn’t mind that the 3D graphics weren’t fast-action like realistic video games such as Electronic Arts’ packaged PGA golf games. Over time, WGT added a ton of courses and official licenses, and it retained a small, but loyal and rich, audience.

    Who do you think are finding the change to a gamers game difficult?  I know you're an example of a "loyal and rich" player that's not, but generally it is this group. So the "loyal and rich" golf fans are going to be replaced with gamers and your idea is to charge a fee, good luck with that. Generally they are going to need much bigger numbers from this shift to make up for the demographic change.

    I don't get why wgt are ignoring this group (for example ask if uel is to be retained and you'll be ignored, ask if the duck hat goes with the crockodile shoes and the answer will come swiftly).

    Some light reading from wiki: 

    The free-to-play model has been described as a shift from the traditional model in the sense that previously, success was measured by multiplying the number of units of a game sold by the unit price, while with free-to-play, the most important factor is the number of players that a game can keep continuously engaged, followed by how many compelling spending opportunities the game offers its players. With free games that include in-game purchases, two particularly important things occur: first, more people will try out the game since there is zero cost to doing so and second, revenue will likely be more than a traditional game since different players can now spend different amounts of money that depend on their engagement with the game and their preferences towards it. It is likely that the vast majority of players are playing for free and few are paying money, such that a very tiny minority ("whales") pay the bulk of the income. Up to 50% of revenue comes from 0.15% (15 in 10,000) of players ("white whales") in one report.[34][35] It is not unlikely for a very few players to spend tens of thousands of dollars in a game that they enjoy.[25]

    I suspect that the numbers for this game will be a bit different, because of the "loyal and rich" golf fans, but the new game will be more as described.

  • daveparr
    1,175 Posts
    Mon, Feb 24 2020 9:20 AM

    Haveing Played Steam Games in the Past. 95% of them are Purchase to play, There are a few golf games on steam already one beingThe Golf Club, wich cost about £20 for the old version,  

    is this the road w,g.t is going down in future will it also be a Purchase to play game ?

                                         dont sound good to me one bit.

  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Mon, Feb 24 2020 10:27 AM

     Having Played Steam Games in the Past. 95% of them are Purchase to play, There are a few golf games on steam already one beingThe Golf Club, wich cost about £20 for the old version, 
    is this the road w,g.t is going down in future will it also be a Purchase to play game ?dont sound good to me one bit. 

    I have never used Steam and not sure when you last played on it but a quick look shows that there are just over 5000 games available to play on Steam and almost 2700 of those are “free to play”. I will also assume that they may require in game purchases to advance in game similar to WGT but you can still play the basic game for free. 
    As well, the WGT page on Steam indicates it will be free to play. Obviously with the same in game purchases as the current game.  

  • kavvz
    2,195 Posts
    Mon, Feb 24 2020 11:36 AM


     Having Played Steam Games in the Past. 95% of them are Purchase to play, There are a few golf games on steam already one beingThe Golf Club, wich cost about £20 for the old version, 
    is this the road w,g.t is going down in future will it also be a Purchase to play game ?dont sound good to me one bit. 

    I have never used Steam and not sure when you last played on it but a quick look shows that there are just over 5000 games available to play on Steam and almost 2700 of those are “free to play”. I will also assume that they may require in game purchases to advance in game similar to WGT but you can still play the basic game for free. 
    As well, the WGT page on Steam indicates it will be free to play. Obviously with the same in game purchases as the current game.  

    Not sure what stats you're looking at but there's waaaay more than 5000 games to play on Steam.  

    Also for people all bent because I mentioned paid.  I didn't say they ARE making it a paid game, I said that they COULD make it that.  It's all good, shields down. 

  • daveparr
    1,175 Posts
    Mon, Feb 24 2020 1:23 PM

    Also for people all bent because I mentioned paid.  I didn't say they ARE making it a paid game, I said that they COULD make it that.  It's all good, shields down. 

    Speaking for myself l was not going on anything you said l was talking about games on steam l purchased and played as a steam member, and asking if wgt was going to end up being a purchase to play game

                                                   Nothing more.