I posted a similar query a little while ago and was assured that all wind directions are random...
Random: Having no specific pattern, purpose, or objective.
But when you are hitting into the wind 5 times out of 9 and the only time you're hitting with the wind is for a par 3 (the only time you didnt want the wind on your back) you start to suspect that it isn't as random as WGT claim. Not that they trying to sabotage your game in particular, but it feels while you're playing that they are at least tinkering with the wind to make the RG's harder.
I've been playing the St Andrews back 9 RG this month, and when I get to the 17th I know for a fact that I will have to hit into the wind almost 80% of the time, making a par feel like a birdie from Legend tee's on that hole.
However, there is that thing called the Law of big numbers...That if you play enough times the stats between side winds, front winds and back winds will all be at 33.3%.
I have no input here as far as a solution is concerned, just an observation and a few ramblings.
But for now it's devilishly satisfying thinking that it isn't Murphy but rather a programmer you can blame for your rotten luck as far as wind direction is concerned.