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RG wind conditions

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Tue, Jul 17 2012 3:10 AM (11 replies)
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  • pb1711
    1,183 Posts
    Fri, Sep 16 2011 12:29 AM

    I think I've read before that the wind conditions in RG's are random and different for each player, is this true?

    If so, I think this is really unfair, and why don't wgt consider making the conditions the same for all the players in that particular tourny? I just played a Cabo front 9 RG with the worst head winds on the par 5's and short par 4's which made eagles nearly impossible unless I were to hole shots from 60 yrds. I am by no means saying that I would have won the tourny if the winds were in my favor, but with the winning rounds there usually being 27's & 28's, I definitely have no chance without and eagle or 2. I'm also sure that I am obviously not the only 1 entered with these conditions, so it becomes more of the luck of the draw and less about skill.

    Just a thought....

    (when I say conditions, I don't mean heavy or moderate, I'm referring to direction)

  • ForrestLeigh
    264 Posts
    Fri, Sep 16 2011 12:45 AM


    I think I've read before that the wind conditions in RG's are random and different for each player, is this true?

    If so, I think this is really unfair, and why don't wgt consider making the conditions the same for all the players in that particular tourny? I just played a Cabo front 9 RG with the worst head winds on the par 5's and short par 4's which made eagles nearly impossible unless I were to hole shots from 60 yrds. I am by no means saying that I would have won the tourny if the winds were in my favor, but with the winning rounds there usually being 27's & 28's, I definitely have no chance without and eagle or 2. I'm also sure that I am obviously not the only 1 entered with these conditions, so it becomes more of the luck of the draw and less about skill.

    Just a thought....

    (when I say conditions, I don't mean heavy or moderate, I'm referring to direction)


    Hi - I'm afraid this has been discussed many times, and whilst I think the majority would like the wind to be constant for the rounds for the reasons that you have given above.  Yes the wrong winds can ensure that you can't win the RG, the right winds won't ensure you will win it either, but they sure give you a big help.

    If you look you'll find a thread about this for the recent Open championship that had heavy winds - single rounds and I think it was Priestess that pointed out that the 'wrong' winds could cost a player 3 - 4 shots a round

    However, it seems WGT are mute on this point and want to keep things as they are.

    Don't also forget VEM - if winds were constant then it would be difficult for that to kick in if you're having a great round and give you winds you really don't want - 25mph tailwinds on the short 3's 30mph headwinds etc on the short 4's or par 5's rather than favourable winds all the round

  • manorpark
    2 Posts
    Mon, Jul 16 2012 1:39 PM

    i have very rarely played a round since about level 50 where the windhas not been below 16mph, thus my average score is going through the roof. Okay i dont want the game to be easy far from it but at least give us all some hope now and again,so comeon WGT how about doing something about it!!!!!!!!.

  • GlassMan27
    573 Posts
    Mon, Jul 16 2012 6:16 PM

    Yes the wrong winds can ensure that you can't win the RG, the right winds won't ensure you will win it either, but they sure give you a big help.

    Played one at RSG the other day where I had 7 straight-in-my-face headwinds and 2 tailwinds. Oddly enough, both of those tailwinds came at the only two par threes. Complete coincidence I'm sure ;) But, played one of my best rounds to date and carded a 28, good enough to miss the win on tiebreaker, even after seven straight birdies to finish. Almost felt like I was able to give the 'random' wind the middle finger, only to have the tiebreaker return the favor.... IMO, not every player should have the 'same' wind, but they should all have similar winds, just like everyone should play the same pins (which I believe they do) in a RG. Just my thoughts.

  • jvr86
    799 Posts
    Mon, Jul 16 2012 7:21 PM

    WGT said it was because we can share wind conditions... and players will be able to chose clubs... I believe they dont want to change the random wind setup program...  

    Is ok in unlimited rounds... you can restart until you have the right wind, but in single round all paarticipands need to have a similar condition to win. Random wind only make the game more luck based and less skill based.

    But exact same wind? not necessarily... it can be wind direction and wind can change, from 2:00 to 4:00 for example, and from 12mph to 17 mph... and that will more like wind act in reality. wind is not constant and direction vary a little... but not from side to side in 2 minutes. 

    an opposite wind in certain holes can mean 2 stroke difference, make that 2 holes... we are talking of 4 stroke difference. Specially in short par 4's and most of par 5's. The unfairness increase in high winds... 

  • notonthis
    893 Posts
    Mon, Jul 16 2012 7:56 PM

    Yes they need to be the same but they are not. Famous front 9 bout a month or 2 ago i was on  skype with a buddy. I shot a 27 while we were taking but he shot a 26. I had a headwind on number 2 par 5 and he had a tail and was able to eagle. One hole gave him the advantage so i think they should fix that.

  • TonyTurbo78
    340 Posts
    Tue, Jul 17 2012 12:18 AM

    come on guys, having the same wind is a very very bad idea.  Talk about a way for people to use multi accounts..I can see it now, people having 2 or 3 accounts just to map every hole out with the same wind and same shots just to get a wind.  



  • pb1711
    1,183 Posts
    Tue, Jul 17 2012 2:14 AM

    Well this was a blast from the past. I made the OP 10 months ago. :-)

  • Timbo1984
    818 Posts
    Tue, Jul 17 2012 2:24 AM

    I posted a similar query a little while ago and was assured that all wind directions are random...

    Random: Having no specific pattern, purpose, or objective.

    But when you are hitting into the wind 5 times out of 9 and the only time you're hitting with the wind is for a par 3 (the only time you didnt want the wind on your back) you start to suspect that it isn't as random as WGT claim. Not that they trying to sabotage your game in particular, but it feels while you're playing that they are at least tinkering with the wind to make the RG's harder.

    I've been playing the St Andrews back 9 RG this month, and when I get to the 17th I know for a fact that I will have to hit into the wind almost 80% of the time, making a par feel like a birdie from Legend tee's on that hole.

    However, there is that thing called the Law of big numbers...That if you play enough times the stats between side winds, front winds and back winds will all be at 33.3%.

    I have no input here as far as a solution is concerned, just an observation and a few ramblings.

    But for now it's devilishly satisfying thinking that it isn't Murphy but rather a programmer you can blame for your rotten luck as far as wind direction is concerned.


    2,580 Posts
    Tue, Jul 17 2012 2:26 AM

    I gave up playing RG's a long long time ago (8-9 months probably), for the simple reason that every time i entered 1, i always got the Headwinds. Not just making this up, as i used to do well in the TM RG's until i reached legend. Thats when it all changed.

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