Wutpa: Champ did say in the notes that the update is not yet available to Steam either, so I assume they have to be rolled out separately to each platform individually.
I guess that is where the confusion is...
The use of the mini map on EA is not new, it is just being revised or updated as I understood the post. That option to my knowledge has never been made available to mobile players... I don't recall which update use of the mini map was initially rolled out on EA though, but it wasn't included or released in later updates for the mobile platform.
Look, I am not trying to minimize the challenges or complications they may be faced with. I am just curious or expressing concerns that I have read and share with some mobile players who may increasingly feel at a disadvantage against PCEA players.
I personally feel there is a reasonable edge that a person using PC EA has playing coin games over players using mobile devices. An increase in my win rate playing coin games on PC EA seems to support that as well.
I am just trying to advocate for as level a playing field as possible. There will always be differences... but I do think WGT tries to be considerate of that.