For clarity, the issue was seen on PCEA and working normally in Flash? And neither player on the team saw the concede option? Were the teams split as 2 on PCEA vs. 2 on Flash?
I've seen this happen at least 6 times. I don't know if the combination of the opponents matters but it is when i'm on PCEA and my teammate is on flash. The sequence is ALWAYS THE SAME.
When I'm on PCEA and both my opponent and I are putting for the same score and are both within the CC range but I'm farther away and it's my turn to putt.
My opponent cc's my putt and I can't cc his because the cc button doesn't pop up.To make matters worse it also disables the chat feature until after the next time I take a shot. I can see the messages coming in, 1 2 3 4 5, etc., but no way to open it and I know I don't even want to, lol.
as a side note: in flash the order always seemed a little strange to me in that if i putt and make it, it's my teammates choice to cc their putt, but if I get cc'd then it's my choice.
I'm not sure that is the same in PCEA.
I sure hope you can fix this because it is sometimes a major source of conflict between teams and even teammates.